

Bookz By Or About The Homeless.
By Uncle Monty At Istanbul.
Writeovers By Alex Albion.
There are a number of charities donating books for
the homeless to read. The problem, however, is
while such is all fine and dandy the priority for most
 homeless people is, of course, to find daily food and
nightly shelter and to hopefully get off the streets.
 Another problem is that some homeless are illiterate
 and ill-educated to read anything least of all
erudite books on this or that.
Then we have those homeless folkz who write
 bookz about their street experience and societal
encounter of being homeless and marginalized
as rejected humanbeingz by the national culture
 at large. Most such authors think that they have
something profound or original to say in their
 bookz. Some even think they'll become rich
and famous as homeless authors. On the
whole, however, such authors are full of crap
 like The Big Issue's pigface author Anthony
John Bird, who still insists on flogging his bookz
 as an ex-homeless and ex-criminal guy under
 the guise of his self-serving autobiography and
 success methods. You won't find his bookz
listed in this piece called "Bookz By Or About
The Homeless." I see no reason to promote
 his crap, anyway.
Aside from him and his prickhead brother Peter
 Bird, I herein present a brief selection of
 homeless authors and their worthy books.
Plus, I've added a few comments from such
authors or book reviewers themselves
for you to read:
Bones of the Homeless.
By Judy Joy Jones.
Fly Away Home.
By Eve Bunting, Ronald Himler (Illustrator).
Paperback 32pp. Reissue  Ed.  (March )
Clarion Books. ISBN: 0395664152.
Anyplace but Here: Young, Alone, & Homeless
- What to Do.  By Ellen Switzer.
Atheneum; ISBN: 0689316941.
Lives Turned Upside Down:  Homeless Children in
Their Own Words and Photographs. By Jim Hubbard.
Simon & Schuster (Juv); ISBN: 068980649.
New Book: “Hobos, Hustlers, and Backsliders:
Homeless in San Francisco." By Theresa Gowan.
Book Overview & Review By Ezra Rosser.
"A powerful ethnographic account of life on the streets in
 San Francisco. When homelessness reemerged in American
 cities during the 1980s at levels not seen since the Great
Depression, it initially provoked shock and outrage. Within
a few years, however, what had been perceived as a
national crisis came to be seen as a nuisance, with early
sympathies for the plight of the homeless giving way to
compassion fatigue and then condemnation. Debates
around the problem of homelessness—often set in terms
 of sin, sickness, and the failure of the social system—have
come to profoundly shape how homeless people survive
and make sense of their plights. In Hobos, Hustlers, and
 Backsliders, Teresa Gowan vividly depicts the lives
of homeless men in San Francisco and analyzes the
influence of the homelessness industry on the streets,
 in the shelters, and on public policy.
"Gowan shows some of the diverse ways that men on
 the street in San Francisco struggle for survival, autonomy,
and self-respect. Living for weeks at a time among homeless
 men—working side-by-side with them as they collected
cans, bottles, and scrap metal; helping them set up camp;
watching and listening as they panhandled and hawked
 newspapers; and accompanying them into soup kitchens,
jails, welfare offices, and shelters—Gowan immersed
herself in their routines, their personal stories, and their
perspectives on life on the streets. She observes a wide
 range of survival techniques, from the illicit to the indust-
rious, from drug dealing to dumpster diving. She also dis-
covered that prevailing discussions about homelessness
and its causes—homelessness as pathology, homelessness
 as moral failure, and homelessness as systemic failure—
powerfully affect how homeless people see themselves
 and their ability to change their situation.
"Drawing on five years of fieldwork, this powerful ethno-
graphy of men living on the streets of the most liberal city
in America, Hobos, Hustlers, and Backsliders, makes
 clear that the way we talk about issues of extreme
poverty has real consequences for how we address
 this problem—and for the homeless themselves.
Stop Homelessness.
Making and Unmaking of a Crisis. By Anthony Marcus.
For a decade, from 1983 to 1993, homelessness was a
major concern in the United States. In 1994, this public
concern suddenly disappeared, without any significant
reduction in the number of people without proper housing.
By examining the making and unmaking of a homeless
 crisis, this book explores how public understandings
 of what constitutes a social crisis are shaped.

Drawing on five years of ethnographic research in New
York City with African Americans and Latinos living in
 poverty, Where Have All the Homeless Gone? reveals that
 the homeless “crisis” was driven as much by political mis-
representations of poverty, race, and social difference, as
 the housing, unemployment, and healthcare problems that
caused homelessness and continue to plague American cities.
Anthony Marcus is an urban anthropologist from New York
 City, currently a senior lecturer in International Development at
 the University of Melbourne in Australia. He has done research
 in New York, Havana, Mexico City, and Nairobi and published
 extensively in anthropology and American history.
What I Learned While Being Homeless.
I hope some of these listed bookz by or about
the homeless will be of interest to those who are
themselves homeless and to those who are not
and on whatever side of the pond you happen
to be on, although bookz by Americans on
or about the homeless seem to be far more
abundant than by those by the British.  There
is a commonality of homeless experience for
folkz who are homeless no matter where in
the world they are. The only difference is the
scenery, so to speak, and the prevailing culture
 in which the homeless person finds himself or
 herself in. Otherwise, the reality of being
 homeless is no different from one person to
 the next, other than the personal nature of the
 particular person blighted by homelessness.
As for me - an ex-homeless person and a so-
called debadged Big Issue vendor by the stinking
Bird brothers of The Big Issue and also an English 
old age pensioner and avid blogger that I am - I'm
still on my double holidayz with the last leg of my
 1,800-mile trip via the Belgrade-Istanbul
E-x-p-r-e-s-s almost at an end. before heading back
 to homebase. Next week I shall resume my regular
 weekly blog feature here at allabouttthebigissue.
Take care for now, Uncle Monty at Istanbul.
+Vigil of Our Lady of Fatima, 2011.
Lead Image. By Uncle Monty.
The lead story image above was sent to me by
one of my American blog readers that shows the
Florida baseball attack on one of three homeless
 people that resulted in one of them dying from
 such a vicious and unprovoked attack with
deadly baseball bats earlier last month in the
USofA.  Now before you jump to any sort of
conclusion that such only happens inside America,
remember what happened to the that one Big Issue
vendor at Brighton who was killed after being
 physically attacked by three young and violent
English yobz over a stupid fag!!! Big Issue vendors
 in the UK are alwayz vunerable to such random or
deliberable attacks from either their own kind or
home-grown yobz on the streets. The Big Issue
deliberately provides no insurance to protect its
vendors nor offers any practical help for those
attacked, except to give some pathetic and
belated words of fake solidarity from the ever
greedy Bird Brothers expressing condescending
words of affected sorrow to such victims on the
streets. So, if you're a Big Issue vendor and get
attacked or killed or badly hurt, don't worry pal
 you're just a badge number and little more as far
as the Big Issue gang at London's Vauxhall HQ
 is concerned.  Their only concern is always
 making money, money, and more money off
the backs of their exploited homeless. So to
hell then with the safety and care of Big Issue
vendors for such is the real impersonal attitude
and closed mindset of the vile and greedy
Bird gang - period!
Feedback & Comments
Top Ten Bookz On Homelessness.

Supreme Jihadist. By Uncle Monty.
{ Just click on any image to Enlarge }


Anonymous said...

wear u been mate? see u been far
a way from covent garden. mont i
hope u are ok. bi g issue will
never help u and me. i know what
u say is true. them bats must hav
hurt. u can kill anyboby with them.
they kill fast being hit on the
head. mont. still miss u. come
say hi soon. peace my friend ////

Tony Lewis said...

Hi Uncle Monty
Many thanks for your Serbian
postcard - I hope you are
having a great time!!! How
have you been - I have
looked out for you around
Long Acre without success??
Alls well here basking in
Mediterranean sunshine -
I love global warming!!
Kindest regards

Sent from my iPhone