
Royal Wedding.

British Royal Wedding Couple.
By Alex Albion.
It's wedding time for William
 & Kate. Let's wish them all
the happiness in the world like
we would any other wedding couple
no matter where the may pop up.
Three Cheers, then for the prince
 and his future princess ...
 No place for (odious) Tony Blair and
(moron) Gordon Brown at Royal Wedding.
Read more about them at Uncle
Monty's royal wedding story:
By Uncle Monty.
Regular articles will resume here upon Uncle
Monty's mid-May return from his double holidays
 during Easter Week and the May Bank Holiday.


Double Holidayz.

Double Holidayz.
By Uncle Monty.
Writeovers By Alex Albion.
Glad to be spending Easter at Belgrade, the capital
city of Serbia & Montenegro. It's my first glimpse
of this somewhat politically and enthically troubled
city. Putting aside politics, I'm here to enjoy as
much of this neck of woods that I can, so to
speak. I like what I have seen so far of Belgrade,
but I have much more to explore of Serbia
& Montenegro while I'm here.
Great Graffiti Symbols At Belgrade, I think!
This could be you here, if only
you had come here with me!
By Uncle Monty.
Have a nice Easter, won't u, Uncle Monty.
+Good Friday, 2011.
Feedback & Comments
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Soup Runs.

Soup Runs: Good or Bad For The Homeless?
By Uncle Monty.
Anti-soup runs advocate Maff Potts and pro-soup
runs supporter Alastair Murray recently sparred
in The Times in their respective articles -
"Is it time to outlaw soup runs?"
Having read and digested their views on soups runs,
I felt it would be a good idea to present a wider
range of opinions - not just those of Potts and Murray -
on the burning question of soup runs and to ask if such
is good or bad for the homeless. Thus I have herein
selected such opinions which I have edited due to
space and for clarity. In order to aviod the same
repetitious opinions on the topic at hand, I have 
found a broad range of Yes and No or Good
 or Bad or For and Against opinions on soups
runs for the homeless in the UK, but especially
 runs in London. The first few comments below
 are taken from ITV.com forums on homelessness.
Other comments are taken from various web-
sites and blogz like that of Brighton's
Catholic priest Father Ray Blake.
From dellydee:
Soup Runs are a good and very necessary service.
Whilst I agree that they do not solve a long term
 problem. They do provide an immediate solution
for people who are hungry NOW and may have
 the soup kitchens as their only source of nutrition.
Taking them away could mean more illness and
misery for many. It aggravates me that so many
politicians take away short term care needs because
 they don't provide long term solutions. They forget
the current needs of the many and rarely are the
 long term needs met anyway. I remember when so
many fragile people with mental health disorders
 were turned out of hospitals and care facilities, their
needs were not met and nothing has been provided
 for an alternative long term care solution. Short
 term solutions may only be a plaster but without
the plaster the wounds become more infected
 and desperate.
From daffodilly:
I work in a different field (small dog rescue) but it's much
 the same principle I think, it's like trying to stop a tsunami
and the trick is to only help the one's you personally can
because if you think of the wider picture you would give
 up and no one would be helped at all. We have vast
numbers of ill people on the streets and they cannot
 cope with life. Re-open some of the better Mental
Health/Asylums (for those suffering homeless). I
think it would actually be better. Care in the
 community does not work.
From john e:
Most of the homeless are sick, either mental, drugs or
 alcohol. They are depressed, they need help so they can
 help themselves, I am not suggesting they have a cosy bed
and scoff for nowt, they have got to learn that they have to
 earn it. A mug of soup at midnight will never do that.
From jdbabe:
With all the cut backs in charity grants, it looks like the
problem of the homeless isnt going to be solved. Soup
 kitchens may become the only level of help these people
get and it seems now that you want to take that away too.
The problem will get worse as unemployment continues
 to rise and people get evicted/repossesed from their
homes. The infrastructure isnt there just like in the "care
 in the community" farce. Its no good goading the home-
less/unemployed into work if there isnt any jobs to go
 to in the first place. "Shelters" need money to be built,
where is this going to come from? Charities rely on
donations and the populace in general are more con-
cerned with their own problems than thinking about
donating. The government has cut back its grants
 drastically, so no joy there. Private investment?
Thats a joke cos there isnt any profit in it. "Doss-
ing" in public places is very often the only place
left as all the shelters are full. To do what I'm
suggesting would take facilities the size of prisons
 to even address the matter. That smacks of the
workhouse scenario in this day of financial
insecurity and a tory government, I'd be
careful of what you wish for!
From GR in his westendextra.com letter:
From Compassion and soup a bad mix. The
Forum by Jad Adams on soup runs actually proves
 the opposite point – why Westminster City Council
 is right to ban soup runs and rough sleeping.  His
 article is all about his and the soup runs’ so-called
“compassion” and desire for martyrdom, but not what
actually helps rough sleepers? Giving money or free food
 to rough sleepers is exactly the same as giving heroin to
 a drug addict or whisky to an alcoholic. By doing these
 things, you are not being a Christian at all. In fact you
are helping them kill themselves (or at least drastically 
shorten their lives), in the name of “kindness”
or “compassion”.
Why should any rough sleeper change their destructive
and chaotic lifestyle if people like Mr Adams and all
the others keep them ever longer on the streets by
 their handouts?
The council are doing the right thing by supporting rough
sleepers away from the streets – which will kill them –
into indoor services which can truly transform their lives.
This is real compassion, charity plus self-help.
Local people, like me, do not want rough sleepers choosing
 to sleep on the streets of Westminster. The soup runs and
 those who give money to beggars just make the borough
a worse place for everyone.
From Father Ray Blake:
Ban Soup Runs! The Bones has a peice on the Government
wanting, possibly, to ban soup runs. For the past 30 years our
 parish has run one: day in, day out small groups of parishioners
and their friends prepare food and take it down to the seafront
 and feed anyone who turns up. The photograph he uses - and
 included above as the caption photo for this online story here
 on allaboutthebigissue - was taken of our soup run some
 ten years ago.
It is interesting that in Westminster some charities that work
for the homeless are against soup runs.There are voices in
the local council who really don't like what we do,
suggesting it attracts the homeless and makes Brighton more
 "homeless friendly", others have said "food for free" encourages
 a  degree of fecklessness, others just object to the possibility
 of "litter". It is true that during the 30 years we have had to
 move away a residential area to the open space of the
promenade, it can be intimidating to gather 30/40 homeless
people together, some of whom might be high on drink or 
drugs, or just anti-social.  For myself I can understand
misgivings, if we give someone a sandwich are encouraging
 him or her just to save the cost of feeding themselves in
order to spend the money on booze, well I suppose
better for them to have the money to pay for it rather
than to have no money and steal from the
local small shopkeeper.
There is a difference between "soup runs" done in the open
 and "soup kitchens" done in a building. "Soup kitchens"
can offer a lot more pastoral care, a little counselling, re-
ferral to more specialised services, they can also have
 better trained staff on hand. Our soup run simply
feeds, and depending on who is feeding that night
might do a bare minimum of referral.
The advantage it has over the a "soup kitchen" is that it is
 cheap, We do it for £15 a night, which the parish pays,
plus any treats helpers might bring. The whole thing is
 rather impromptu, people arrive wanting food, just be-
fore 7pm, those with food arrive at 7pm, food and
drink is distributed and by 7.30pm it is done.
It is popular.  One of the reasons is that many homeless
people have a real aversion to being enclosed in a building,
 or faced with an interrogation they can't escape. They prefer
being in the open, there are no hoops to jump through, helpers
 might get to know someone's name, or at least the name they
 give, even their life story, but there is no form filling, no
registration, no hassle, no expectation of interaction. So
 many of those who come have a phobia of any invasion
of privacy, they don't want to be sucked into a process
that is going to get them off the street, or anywhere else.
They often fear a loss of the little control they have over
their lives. Some, on their way "down" or "up" don't want
to even tell other people or even themselves they are in need
of food. Others don't want involvement with other homeless
 or needy people, who can be quite frightening. At our soup
run they can, if they wish, merely be on a nodding
acquaintanceship with other people in need.
Visit Fr. Ray's blog: http://marymagdalen.blogspot.com/
From TVGirl31:
I suggest that we should start adopting the American system
of the government issuing food stamps for the homeless.
From Mike McNabb:
Oddly, the council's move is supported by some other home-
lessness charities, including Thames Reach and St Mungo's,
although not the Coombe Trust, which provides the sustenance. 
Surprising is Thames Reach's reaction, which last year highlighted
 the shocking desperation of the rough sleepers who resorted to
eating rats. It says street handouts do little to help in the long-term.
Westminster maintains that the soup runs "attract" homeless people
 to the borough, as if they were economic migrants. What will
Westminster claim next? That there is selfish and excessive
demand for gluten-free minestrone?
The basic human rights laid down by Unesco are food, clothing
 and shelter; the Coombe Trust aims to help fulfil the first of
those. If Westminster, with the help of homelessness charities,
fulfilled the third, the demand for the soup runs would
reduce naturally.
Currently, the Coombe Trust is performing a duty which, one
must assume, is very much in keeping with the ambitions of
David Cameron's Big Society vision - a voluntary organisation
doing the work that local authorities cannot be bothered
or cannot afford to do.
But Westminster, which is attempting to give the impression
of being cruel to be kind when it is just being cruel, is doing
 its best to kill the Big Society a mile from 10 Downing Street.
It's being strangled at birth on your doorstep, Dave,
and even the Daily Mail is appalled. It must be bad.
From Alty:
Jesus, people living on the streets of the United Kingdom
 in 2011 is bad enough. Now we're banning the practice
of offering them a bit of soup because it's inconvenient.
I find the way in which morals have become so horrendously
 twisted quite frightening. Offering some criminals the chance
 to vote is seen as essential to meeting human rights obligations,
 but nobody is forcing us to actually give people somewhere
 to live. It's seen as justifiable to ban soup runs because
people forming a large group is a bit annoying.
WTF happened?
Let me now continue:
I'm of two minds on soup runs (or "tea runs," as some
 say), since I myself was a beneficiary of such soup runs
 when I was on the streets both in London and Washington,
 D.C. My opinion is that soup runs can either be a god send
or a crutch for the homelsss. In other words, those who
 use soups runs as a temporary means to survive on the
streets until they take steps to get off the streets is good.
Those who use soup or teas runs on a permanent basis
to aviod bettering themselves (due to personal inertia
and lack of motivation) and getting off the streets is
obviously bad for them since such runs only aid and
 abet them to stay homeless and also useless!!
 But to "criminalize" soups runs is indeed typical of
England thesedays in which to solve some problem
 the central government and/or local councils, like the
 notorious and vicious Westminster Council, criminalize
 those who are seen to be the problem. In this case the
same said Westminsiter Council now outlaws such
 runs is that they both criminalize the giver and the
 taker of donated food in one big anti-homeless bite.
Next they well could start to criminalize The Big Issue
owners and their street vendors for keeping the home-
less on the streets like some say The Big Issue does as
some say soup runs also do. Personally, I would quite
happy to see The Big Issue criminalized, frankly, but
 not its hapless vendors since they're there due to the
menace and mechanicization that The Big Issue has
become to all of those who dare challenge the vile
and wicked Peter and Anthony John Bird of The
Big Issue. But that's another question for
another time, right now.
As for soup runs, as I've already said, I'm of two
minds about them. I can see both the good and bad
aspects of such. Anything that intentionally or un-
intentionally aids and abets homelessness is bad as
we find with the whole proposition behind getting
 the homeless to flog The Big Issue up and down
the country. While anything that intentioanlly or un-
intentionally truly helps the homeless constructively
 then that's good as far as I'm concerned. The
 problem is determining what is really good or what
is really bad for folkz on the streets. What is good
for one could be bad for another or visa versa.
Soups runs are designed to fit all. Basically, I think
 soup or tea runs may have also outlived their
original purpose in that there are now a number
 of options for the homeless to eat off the streets
 at various Day Centres and Church-based
and secular food programs and the like.
Soup Runs To Help Feed The Dogz of the Homeless?
Occasionally, I have also seen where the homeless
have used soup runs to help feed their pet dogs due
to having no money to buy dog food, let alone
money to feed themselves!!!
Incidentially, while I was on my way last time to
an invitation to BBC Radio 4 recording of "Four
Thought" at RSA just off The Strand, I was accost-
ed by three homeless beggers within the space of
perhaps my 20-minute walk to the studio. Of the
 three of them all were East European foreigners
- one from Hungray (excuse the unintended pun),
 Slovak Republic, and Slovenia. What soup runs
don't provide is cash or money to the homeless like
those foreigners want in begging off locals on The
 Strand. Many Big Issue vendors are known to
also do the same under the guise of "selling" the 
Bird rag and turning their pitch into a "legit"
 platform to beg from the public.
The fella from Hungray also told me he was
 a badged Big Issue vendor, but business was
very bad and he was first losing money by
 buying wholesale the Bird rag and finding
customers were getting harder and harder for
 him to find. So he quit trying to sell and instead
begs here and there on The Strand and else-
where. He added he made more needed money
that way than by standing all day on the street
 looking like an idiot trying to sell and to make
 a profit off The Big Issue. London soup runs he
 also relies upon to survive as a foreigner in-
eligible for UK state benefits, he told me
somewhat fretfully.
Another thing about soup runs is that they are
 basically an urban phenomenon that don't exist
 for the rural or suburban homeless and poor.
 They can starve, basically. So the city and ur-
ban homeless, which always has the greatest
number of homeless, is the focal point of dis-
trubuting food or snacks via such organized
 runs. If one takes a look say at London's Red
 Lion Square and see the masses of homeless
 hanging out there like aimless tin pan alley, I can
see why those non-homeless folkz who live and/
or work there are opposed to soup runs. It adds
urban blight or an eyesore, if you, to see 65 to
over 100 rough homeless men and women all
gathered at one spot every time the soup runs
are due. The scene can also be rowdy and noisy
and the litter and refuse left scattered all over the
street does little to help gain public sympathy and
support for the homeless to continue to benefit
 from such soup or tea runs. The homeless on the
 whole aren't mindful of good public relations,
 of course. They are oftentimes their own worst
enemy, too. While The Big Issue "mafioso" at
Vauxhall use public relations to gain for themselves
 even more greedy money in the manipulated name
 of helping the homeless! No wonder pigface Anthony
 John Bird is set against soup runs, begging and
social housing as an ex-homeless guy himself who
 now has become filthy rich and ever greedy at
 the expense of today's homeless and in his
hideous role as a new breed of slavemaster,
much like his own little prickhead brother Peter
 Bird, toward his own street vendors. The
Bird Brothers, of course, literally stink ...
So still with two minds about soup runs, I have not
made a final decision whether they are good or bad
for the homeless. I guess, I lean 50/50 towards
supporting such, while on the other hand I feel
like opposing such. Whatever way I finally decide
in my own mind about soup or tea runs, I do know
that without a doubt that I am totally opposed
and strongly against criminalizing the givers (the
volunteers) and the takers (the homeless) of
donated food on\the streets and no matter
where such takes place either inside Broken
 Britain or inside murderous America.
Cordially, Uncle Monty.
Have a wonderful Eastertide, too!
+Eve of Maundy Thursday, 2011.
:: UPDATE ::
E-mail Message From Davy Dunn.
Davy Dunn. April 22, 2011.
Soup Runs & Rough Sleeping Byelaws.
 Westminster City Council - Press release 
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View.
Do soup kitchens help the homeless?
By Lissa Cook.
Soup Kitchens Survey - Homeless Bob.
‘Soup runs are unnecessary' claim divides homelessness groups.
Benn attacks plans to ban soup runs.
Gathering To Get Free Food at Mother Teresa's London HQ.
^ Photo By Alex Albion.
Feedback & Comments
By Uncle Monty.
{ To Enlarge any image, just click on it }


Have No Name.

Have No Name, Say They.
By Uncle Monty.
TCWNN Photos
By Alex Albion.
Although the choir stage seemed rather too small
at Feet East, their jolly singing and polished per-
formace was certainly quite nice and swanky
 to mark their third anniversary as
 "The Choir With No Name" or TCWNN.
While third birthdays usually don't count as very
important for most folkz, for TCWNN's third
birthday it was really quite a milestone for the
well known and respected homeless choir
that has continued to outshine most other
choirs of the same age and disposition
whether they have a name or not.
TCWNN Founder Marie Benton With
Her Beloved Homeless Choir Members.
All one needs to do is to watch "live"
TCWNN's founder and choir director -  the
quite talented and unbigheaded Marie Benton,
shown above - to see how far the choir has come
 under her magnetic direction. Such is not only
a personal credit to her, but a credit to the
 homeless community in the UK.
Standing room only at their third anniversary show
 was proof enough of how "The Choir With No
Name" has emerged so well and professionally
in three short years. Those giddy and paying
 TCWNN patrons were thrilled to no end, much
like me, as they watched the whole two or so
 hour show that seemed to get better and better
at each performance and higher levels
of the show.
The Big Issue fundraising shows that I have
also attended in the past, looked pretty stale,
cold, and mechanical against the talented,
 warmth, and excuberance of TCWNN that
 I saw this time off East London's Brick Lane.
It was the fifth performance of the homeless
choir that I have seen with the last one for me
at last November's Annual Commemoration
 Service for the Homeless Dead that is held
always at wonderful Anglican
St. Martin-in-the-Fields.
Another Matt Cardle, Then?
So with their more than two full hours of almost
non-stop group and solo singing and dancing, it
was hard not to be more and more impressed
with such a happy group of  homeless folkz
that delighted in performing at their very best
to their supporters and admirers and friends
at their third anniversary show. They had
gathered for a full evening of pure entertain-
ment that would have otherwise cost an arm
and leg to see the same with those expensive
tickets for most West End theatre shows.
A Lovely Singer Was She At TCWNN.
I bumped into a couple or so folkz at
TCWNN show who knew me well from
 my dayz at The Big Issue! Some were still
 unaware of how vile Peter and Anthony John
Bird had thrown away my Covent Garden pitch
 in their godless fit and spite to coldly take
 away my five year pitch due, so they allege,
for "bringing the Big Issue into disrepute." It
was a callous excuse of their own making!
A small number of choir members are either past
 or present Big Issue vendors, but most haven't
 the time of day or interest whatsoever in becoming
Big Issue vendors. One choir member described
the Big Issue as a "fat corporate front" that is only
interested in "sucking the blood of those who are
down and out." When I told her I had been with
The Big Issue for five years as a badged vendor,
 she then said she remembered me from St. Martin's
night shelter and recalled, like I did, how she knew
Denise and Ronnie and Minnie, who sold
The Big Issue back in the mid-2000. She said
 she'd not seen or heard of Denise or Ronnie
 or Minnie for the past couple of years now.
Nor have I, I told her ...
"You know, Monty, I don't want to earn money
so that I can give The Big Issue even more money
it is making from people like me, you know,
homeless." So I asked her: So how do you earn
 money for yourself, if you don't sell something
like the Big Issue? She said she wasn't earning
any money per se.  Rather she was doing job
training that was "by far alot safer than being
on the street as a Big Issue sellor." Her outright
rejection of The Big Issue was palpable as a
homeless person for the past seven or eight years
 at perhaps her age of mid-30's or so. A single
 white mum and a divoree, is she. And, she's
 also a terrific singer in her own right. If she
became rich and famous, would she ever do-
nate to The Big Issue? "NEEEEVEEERRR!!!
They have enough money, don't they?"
But to TCWNN she almost happily yelled:
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! Yeesssssssssssssssssss!!"
The evening spent with TCWNN was like a
tonic for me. I felt the positive vibes from the
choir and to see them joyous on the stage and
to witness their overwhelming dignity and
worth was uplifting for all to see and share.
Such is due in no small part to Marie
Benton's consuming care and attention to
those who are proud members of a choir
that cleverly trades by declaring to "have no
 name, say they." But we know them by their
 true and good name, don't  we? Yes, we
 do - It's "The Choir With No Name."
Have a g'day, Uncle Monty.
+Passiontide, 2011.
International Day For Street Children.
Feedback & Comments
Big Issue Owner Pigface Anthony John Bird.
Anglo-Saxon Coins.
By Uncle Monty.
{ Just click on any image to Enlarge }


Arnie & Beyoncé.

Arnie & Beyoncé.
By Uncle Monty.
Graphics by Alex Albion.
During his London visit, the former Governor of California
Arnold Schwarzenegger - otherwise The Terminator and
 ex-Mr Universe - was apparently collared by an unnamed
Big Issue vendor, who got a lousey drop of 10 US buckz
from one of California's richest men and along with
being world famous, too.

Arnie didn't have any English money on him only Greenbacks
to give to the vendor who collared him. If the vendor finally
got six quid out of the deal then he was lucky to even get
that after changing his Arnie's bucks into some sort of
English money. I guess the satisfaction for the vendor
was that he got to meet Arnie and also to get
his Big Issue mughot in the papers.
Whatever, the Schwarzenegger incident with
such a Big Issue vendor reminded me instantly
 of when Beyoncé walked right passed my own
Big Issue pitch at Covent Garden in 2oo6 on
the same day that she was, ironically, also
on the front cover of The Big Issue itself!!
2oo6 Beyoncé Front Cover.
As soon as I realized it was the real Beyoncé
who had passed by my pitch, I quickly went
 after her on Long Acre to get some photos of her
 holding The Big Issue with her on the front cover.
She was very agreeable despite suffering from jet
lag and being late for a business appointment
and also being rather tired due to lack of
overnight sleep from New York.
She then actually stood in front of my camera for me
on the open street like we were in a photo studio and
 she did mimic and pose like she was on the front cover
to a T.  I was delighted with her and the photos I got
made me very pleased. Off she went with her sister
and that was the first and last time that I saw
Beyonce right in front of me.
So I got the pictures of her and her sister
and promptly e-mailed Big Issue's vendor co-
orindator Paul Joseph to let him know of my
celebrity photos "scoop" that I had now gotten
of Beyoncé herself. He replied right on the
spot and said it was great. I then offered The
Big Issue to sell the pictures and the copyrights
 to my photographs of Beyoncé for around
a couple of hundred quid.  I even e-mailed a
copy of my Paul Joseph message to pigface
 Anthony John Bird's secretary Ann Garbarini;
plus The Big Issue publisher Lisa Woodman,
and pigface's own right hand buddy Nigel
Kershaw. Not one of them responded. Well,
except for Lisa Woodman who finally did
some three weeks AFTER I had sold the
Beyoncé photos and rights elsewhere and
got alot more than the lousey 30 quid The Big
 Issue usually pays for stuff they print from their
 vendors. Maybe its 35 or 40 quid now, but to
 get anything out of The Big Issue "paymasters"
is like getting blood out of cold stone.
The Beyoncé incident was a revelation for me
of how The Big Issue big wigs were so tight and
arrogant toward those offering such photographic
talent like mine. I think they thought I should
'donate' my Beyoncé pictures to them being
a street vendor instead of purchasing such
images like most professionals would. I have
 sold my images for years, so why couldn't
 The Big Issue buy such photos from me?
So my Beyoncé pictures never made it to 
The Big Issue nor did they even think of using
such as a nice follow up story on Beyoncé.
 As one former employee said - "John Bird is
no publisher or journalist. He just demands
 from others what he himself cannot do." If
you read his weekly crap in his own Big Issue,
 one wonders how he can ever call himself
 "Editor-in-Chief" and keep a straight pig-
face. He's a master of smoke and mirrors ...
That's how he gets away with it!
Arnie, Security Agent and Unnamed Big Issue Vendor.
As for Arnie and Beyoncé, and even Prince William
after he wrote his Xmas Appeal last year for The Big
Issue, they can be assured that The Big Issue's vile 
Bird Brothers always want the glory for themselves -
and especially if there are big buckz to be made
 for them - at the expense of their exploited
 street vendors and no matter what.
It takes a brave man to quibble with
Arnold Schwarzenegger ...
So there will be no more Beyoncés for me at my Big
Issue pitch becuase of the big bastards Bird Brothers,
who have arbitrarily and capriciously suspended me
 from my 5 year pitch as of  last May for allegedly
"bringing The Big Issue into disrepute." This comes
 from an ex-prison lag like pigface Anthony John
 Bird ...  So who the hell is he to claim such when
 he himself comes from such a criminal and social
background of utter disrepute? Oh, so he's a
reformed bastard now with his big fat
bank accounts and national TV interviews
as the so-called "Homeless Guru" in the UK.
Give me a break!  A homeless monkey knows
more about homelessness than Bird ever
will ... What a bullshit artist he really is
along with his prickhead brother Peter Bird!!
Goodbye then Beyoncé until perhaps we'll
meet again on the other side of the rainbow.
And far away from such greedy and cold
sods as the Bird Brothers of The Big Issue.
I have come to detest them with all my
 mind, body, and soul, I really have!!
 - FYI -
As for my true story of being homeless inside
America, I have been so tied up with so many
other thingz that I have not been able to complete
or present such for this week online. I am set to be
away during the double holiday period - including
 Prince William's Wedding and all of Easter Week.
I hope, therefore, I will have my American story
of my homelessness before I am set to travel
some 12,000 or more miles during the upcoming
 double holiday. Be patient with me, please! UM.
Cheerz everybody, Uncle Monty.
+St. Richard, 2011.
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On The Darker Side of the Diocese.
By Uncle Monty.
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