

Tell Me, Graham, It Isn't So!
The Sad Downfall of One of My Most
Generous Big Issue Friends.
By Uncle Monty.
Story Graphics & Photos By Alex Albion.
Bagpipe Photo By Gary Day.
It saddens me no end to read of the downfall of solicitor Richard
Graham Simkin, 59, and his wife as the law firm's solicitor clerk
Zakia Sharif, 49. They had secretly married with Graham
as an Anglican and Zakia as a Shia Muslim.
Zakia Sharif earned £160,000 per annum, while Graham
Simkin no doubt earned alot more. I was once told he
actually earned around half a million quid each year at the
distinguished American international law firm of Fulbright
& Jaworski at where he was as senior law partner and
 a much respected British international lawyer at the time
 of his retirement in 2008.
The law firm in question is named after late long-serving
US Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and late US
Federal Judge and US Solicitor General Judge Leon Jaworski,
 who was appointed as the Special Prosecutor at the infamous
1970's Watergate Scandal that also engulfed Richard Nixon,
who I had personally met, becoming the first US President to
 ever be forced to resign from the Oval Office in August, 1974.
I first met Graham in 2005 at my Big Issue pitch at
London's Long Acre and we hit it off from the word
go. Zakia I met alittle bit later. I soon considered
them to be good friends of mine. I held both of them
in so much esteem and always enjoyed their company
whenever we got to chat at my pitch outside of Cafe
Nero, which was a stone's throw from the imposing
business building at 90 Long Acre where both
Graham and Zakia then worked, has I mentioned
 before, at the international law firm of  Fulbright &
 Jaworski. I was already familiar with its name from
 my homeless American days at Washington, D.C.
What is more Graham Simkin was always so generous
to me and he never failed to help me whenever he saw
 me. Zakia Sharif always gave me a kind and thoughtful
gift at each Ramadan, too. When Fulbright &
Jaworski moved out of 90 Long Acre to be just yards
 away from The Royal Courts of Appeal at Fleet Street,
I was so much disheartened not to see Graham and
Zakia like I once did.
Graham was always professionally groomed and a
man of worldly erudition and with top-notch English
social manners and persona. He never bought The Big
 Issue, but he predicted that it would find some excuse
to close down my pitch and to which happened some
five years later after the vile Big Issue sods Peter and
 John Bird rudely and unjustly "debadged" me for
"bringing The Big Issue into disrepute." They then
destroyed everything that I had worked for at my pop-
ular pitch with their hatchet woman Samantha Woodlock
 and her hubby known as "Mother Fucker" Tom Wood-
lock working hand in hand with the hideous bastard
 Bird Brothers. And, of course, with ex-criminal 
crackhead known contemptuously as "Big Gob" Billie
Bickley. Openly lesbian, Billie Bickley is so vulgar and
 so common she makes others less vulgar and less common
than her look somehow like real royalty compared to her
underclass crude manners and her ever open Big Gob.
Someone once told me: "Billie is as common as shit."
How true such is!! And so, they're all doomed when
 The Big Issue finally sinks in its own stinking shit - please,
 pardon my French!! And with Big Gob comes rude
and ignorant Big Issue staffer Steve Farrell, who still
 lingers on at Covent Garden as a low-class hack
 poet of the worst sort. With him was once the long-
time loser fat Bully Boy John Duffy, who has long
since left The Big Issue and his close vile buddies
 John & Peter Bird. Duffy was notorious for
"brown-nosing" them until he headed for greener
Surrey pastures with little prospects for a real job. 
Most of the Big Issue gang are unable to get or hold
on to any other kind of regular job and that's why
they stay where they are as useless nicanpoops
that they are.
The day I picked up the newspaper I was taken
aback when I realised who I was reading about -
my good friends Richard Graham Simkin and his
secretly-married wife Zakia Nessem Sharif and their
 shocking downfall after pleading guilty at The Old
 Bailey to fiddling some £100,000 from Fulbright
 & Jaworski.
 My first reaction was: "Tell Me, Graham, It Isn't
So! I cannot understand why they would even need
to fiddle such money considering the kinds of money
 they both earned as professional legalists. So it's still
 beyond me aside from knowing how greed corrupts
and that it seems to me is what happened to Graham
and Zakia. I would have trusted them with my own
life savings without any kind of second thoughts.
I have since written to Graham offering to help him
and Zakia in any way that I can. I have not heard
back from either him or her.  They come up for
 court sentencing in March, 2012, and custodial
sentences will most likely be imposed on them. No
matter what, I still consider them my friends and any
 friend of mine I stand by thru thick and thin and no
matter what they may or may not have done. My loyalty
is boundless to friends much like is my boundless rancour
against my foes and enemies of which I consider The
Bird Brothers to be right up there. In any event, I intend
 to go to The Old Bailey to witness what the judge deter-
mines against Graham & Zakia. I pray he will not be
 too harsh against them unlike that Mississippi judge who
 last week imposed a mind-boggling and savage 40 years
sentence of imprisonment on a 38 year-old man for some-
thing to do with kiddie porn. He just threw the man's life
 away that is all too common in the courts of Mississippi
today.  American judges are in many cases cruel savages
compared to the humane sentences passed by
most British judges.
And so, still thinking of Graham Simkin, I still kept
asking myself: "Tell Me, Graham, It Isn't So!" Of all
the people I know, Graham and Zakia would have
been the very last people I would have ever thought of
seeing at the Old Bailey. What a terrible shame it is ...
Solicitor and wife faked £100,000 expenses to
pay for lavish holidays. By Paul Cheston.
When I got street robbed by a gang of five criminal blacks
that specifically target defenseless tourists at South Africa's
horrible Johannesburg, I lost everything I had - including all
my money, my passport, my watch and my gold rings.  I
then desparately e-mailed a number of my friends in London
 to come to my aid. Graham Simkin, Esq., was the very first
 to reply and offered me immediate funds to get me safely back
to the UK. He also, if I remember correctly, promptly con-
tacted consul Tony Brown of the British High Commission at
 Pretoria to vouch for me and to verify that I was indeed a British
Citizen since he'd earlier signed the papers for me to obtain my
 new UK Passport. I shall always be grateful for Graham's innate
 kindness toward me. Although I was also then a Big Issue
vendor in good standing of 2½ years, I knew it would be use-
less and a waste of time for me to contact tight-fisted John
Bird or any of his Big Issue gang to come to my help.  Hence,
I didn't even bother. Graham Simkin was there for me and
now I am there for him during his downfall from grace and
prosperity. All I want to do now is to help him in any
way that I can - period! And, also for Zakia!
Zakia Nessem Sharif.
My Big Issue pitch was a mêlée of so many successful
and very interesting people of which many became my
friends and despite what the Bastard Bird Boyz have
 done to me, and so far they've gotten away with it,
while many of those same people are still my friends
and still give generously to me. Some of them have
received royal honours since knowing them; while
others have died or have encountered bad things in
their lives or have become redundant or have gained
 job promotions or moved abroad to get out of
Broken Down Britain, and still others like Richard
 Graham Simkin and Zakia Nessem Sharif may land
up in prison for what they have done.  Always remem-
ber, however, that only by the Grace of God do each
 and every one of us go, even if we deny such like
does that godless and truly vile Big Issue retired co-
founder John Bird, who became age 66 last month.
With sadness, Uncle Monty.
+Sexagesima, 2012.
"The person who we thought was good turned out to
 be a scoundel, while the person who we thought was
 a scoundel turns out to be good."
Alex Albion.
Anonymous Response From A Former Solicitor:
"Sorry Uncle. Your's is a misplaced loyalty for a crook.
Mr Simkin has brought disgrace upon himself and his
 law firm. I hope the judge puts him away in the slammer
for 5 to 10 years for breaking the public trust. His wife is
no better than him. It takes two to tango like they did. He
 may have been generous to you but he could well afford
 to be with his crookedness. I have no sympathy for him
 and Mrs Simkin. I myself was a solicitor for many years.
Simkin and Company do a great deal of harm to the
legal profession. Sorry Uncle you'll need to find
someone else who is equally generous but who is
also honest and above board unlike your friends
The Simkins."
Posted Feb. 13, 2012.
Nice Words of Support:
"Dear Monty - Old fashion loyalty is in short supply. That's why
you're criticised for your loyalty to your fallen friends. True loyalty
means standing by a friend at the best and worst of times. It also
means you're a true friend not just a "good times" friend when all
 is rosy. I am impressed by your stand in support of Graham &
 Zakia Simkin.  I would be happy to have a friend like you, if for
some reason I should get into some right bovver. Stay loyal
until the end. That speaks louder than all the other words of
 criticism against you. Dismiss it."  Sincerely, Marion Ashley.
Posted Feb. 15, 2012.
Online Articles By Uncle Monty.
Feedback & Comments
My Heart Op. By Uncle Monty.
As heart operations go, the procedures for Cardiac
Catheter and Coronary Angioplasty for such an heart
patient like me was relatively pain-free and quite
quick that I successfully underwent just three days ago
at England's world renowned Guy's & St. Thomas'
Hospital that proudly stands right across from the
River Thames at where The Houses of Parliament
can easily and freely be seen.   Read more ...
Selwyn's Sax At London's Old Kent Road.
He Was Homeless In His Native Poland, Now He's
Homeless In England, Too. The EU Has Created A
Growing Crisis of So Many Homeless Foreigners in UK.
Send Them All Back To Where In The Hell They Come From!
Polak w potrzebie. By Cezary Niewadzisz.
{ Click on any image to Enlarge }


Anonymous said...

Sorry Uncle. Your's is a misplaced loyalty for a crook. Mr Simkin has brought disgrace upon himself and his law firm. I hope the judge puts him away in the slammer
for 5 to 10 years for breaking
the public trust. His wife is
no better than him. It takes two to tango like they did. He may have been generous to you but he could well afford to be with his crookedness. I have no sympathy for him and Mrs Simkin. I myself was a solicitor for many years.
Simkin and Company do a great deal of harm to the legal profession. Sorry Uncle you'll need to find
someone else who is equally generous but who is also honest and above board unlike your
friends The Simkins."

Marion Ashley. said...

Dear Monty - Old fashion loyalty is in short supply. That's why you're criticised for your loyalty to your fallen friends. True loyalty means standing by a friend at the best and worst of times. It also means you're a true friend not just a "good times" friend when all is rosy. I am impressed by your stand in support of Graham & Zakia Simkin. I would be happy to have a friend like you, if for some reason I should get into some right bovver. Stay loyal until the end. That speaks louder than all the other words of criticism against you.
Sincerely, Marion Ashley.