

Who Gets All The Money At The Big Issue?
By Tom Yomogi Yuri ~ Edited By Uncle Monty.
Graphics By Alex Albion. ~ Part 2 of 2.
Questions By Tom Yomogi Yuri = TYY.
Answers By Sanjav = San.
TYY: I’m trying to understand how the
 Service Brokerage schemes operate.
San: So am I!
TYY: [laughs] It seems to be that it is supposedly ring fenced
money to provide certain services to vendors for example setting
up a bank account and things like that. Does that happen at all?
San: There was a spate where they were trying to set up bank
accounts for people but…erm…I think if you look at…if there’s…
I don’t know how many vendors there are in London but certainly
 in the Covent Garden area, particularly in the summer, Green
Badges  – that’s people that are brand new badges – they’d come
to us and they were the only area they could come to, we’d have
 sometimes 30 or 40 and I know of maybe in the five years
 or six years that I worked for the Big Issue, they set up
four bank accounts for vendors.
TYY: [laughs] Okay. Err…what about this…err…err… A
notion that…err…the Big Issue is there to help homeless
people…err…what percentage do you think of vendors
are actually…say for a start…are street homeless?
San: What do I think or what…
TYY: How many…how many…err…how many do you
think…I’m not talking about…don’t actually give me a
 number…but…err…but a percentage?
San: No more than 10%.
TYY: And…of…err…the remainding…remaining ones…err…
how many of those or what percentage of those do you think,
as a really rough guess…err…would say be in hostels?
San: [pause] Because I think that about 70% of those…
vendors…people selling the magazine on the streets of London,
 in particular, are housed, and that’s not housed in hostels and/or
 street homeless…it would be about 20% but that fluctuates
because people are in hostels and a lot of the…a lot of…
when I was doing the work a lot of people get thrown out of
 the hostels and then…you know…be in a hostel and then be
 street homeless and back in a hostel…err…About 70% I
believe to be housed, be that vulnerably, but I regard myself
 as vulnerably housed, but I’m not particularly vulnerably
housed unless I make myself vulnerably housed. You know,
none of them come round to my house and throw
me out of the door.
TYY: So you have no issue with people who are now, to
 all intents and purposes, in permanent accommodation…
you have no problem with them selling the Big Issue.
You think that’s reasonable?
San: I personally think it’s wrong but I…I have often thought
that the Big Issue should have some move on policy. I have
 known people who have been selling the Big Issue…it’s been
 going for twenty years here in London…I have known people
to be selling it for fifteen years on the same pitch.
That seems to me to be a nonsense.
TYY: So talking about move on…err…presumably the
Big Issue provides opportunities within its own organisation
 for vendors to move into higher positions and positions
of authority in the organisation like backroom staff.
San: Absolutely none whatsoever, unfortunately, none.
TYY: Has any vendor ever moved into backroom staff?
San: One, though he’s now left, but he was from the Wales
 –  Cardiff or Swansea…Swansea area. He did become
 the actual Outreach Team Leader and then left.
It's All  To Do With Keeping All The Money In The
 Greedy Hands & Bank Accounts of Bird & Co.
TYY: That seems quite an odd thing considering the policy
 of the Big Issue is about offering…err…a hand up. You’d
think that vendors would be the most knowledgeable…err
…and have the most to offer in running the organisation –
after they’ve established themselves.
San:: I would have thought so but what Mr Bird and others
 in the organisation don’t…don’t reveal to you is it’s
a hand up and a kick down, my dear!
TYY: Why don’t they have them in the backroom…
err…working in the backroom?
San: Because they’re corrupt! [laughs] Sorry, but it seems to
me like they are corrupt and then…they know that the vendors,
a lot of them, are very sassy, especially if they come off the
streets, would pick up on that corruption immediately. If you
 speak to vendors, they will say similar things. I believe a lot
of them would say similar things. They can see the corruption. 
 They can see the Outreach Team do absolutely nothing.
 It’s…it always has been a massive bone of contention.
But I even have problems with people saying helping…
there was one particular vendor who shall remain nameless
 who works on the top of Neal Street [laughs] on a daily
 basis who has been saying for years and years and years
 ‘Big Issue. Read us. Help me. Buy a copy. Helping
the homeless.’ and she hasn’t been homeless for all
that time so that’s just fraud. That to me is just fraud. I’ve
got no qualms with saying ‘Buy this magazine coz I
wanna go on holiday next week’ [laughs] and blah,
blah, blah, blah. I’ve no problem with that but
not the fraudulent aspect – I find revolting.
TYY: What about the question of tax and benefits?
Err…are many Big Issue vendors on benefits?
San: [Laughs] about 98% and the 2% who aren’t…who
 knows why! I have only known of two vendors in the
 entire time of – literally it would be running into thousands
of vendors – who did declare their incomes, which there is
a proviso as a get out that we supposedly…are supposed
 to encourage people to do so – to my knowledge nobody
 ever did do so and I would estimate that…98% might be
 a bit high but I’d be…I’d be comfortable with 95%!
TYY: It doesn’t seem like a very successful [laughs] policy
on the part of the Big Issue then if people just feel there are no
sanctions to be suffered for basically benefit fraud and tax fraud.
San: [pause] I agree.
TYY: Are the Big Issue aware that this is a major
problem with vendors?
San: I have never heard it spoken of. Never heard it spoken of.
TYY: But presumably they are aware of it.
San: Oh fully aware. I mean everyone’s aware of it but it is
not an issue and…if there is corruption going on elsewhere
 then it’s obviously incumbent on those who are corrupt
to not point out corruption [laughs] in the organisation…
it’s self-defeating.
TYY: Are you aware, like the first thing that we talked about,
 about the money not going back to the depot – you said a
conservative estimate of about 20% – are you aware
that that basically is an allegation of tax fraud, at least.
San: Now that you’ve pointed it out, then, then perhaps
 but if a District Auditor got involved then, then it might
 be…it might…feathers might be ruffled but…is it tax
 fraud? I don’t know. If it is then, then yes it is.
TYY: What about the salaries of people that work at
 the Big Issue? Are you aware of any particularly
interesting high salaries that any individuals are earning?
(John Bird: 150,000 Quid+ Salary! So, It's alleged! Ed. UM)
San: I couldn’t say, other than hearsay, I really couldn’t.
TYY: Okay, give me an example of any hearsay.
San:  I’m sorry to mention coz he’s a lovely man, (John
Duffy) he really is…err…he’s now left the company after
 going round to all his distribution points and stealing the
money and fled to Glasgow with £46,000 [laughs] but
 he was on a very decent package. I know they offered
him £35,000 a year as a whole package and he turned
it down as not being enough so that’s not uncommon.
TYY: Err…and the London…
San: Don’t mention his name.
TYY: No I won’t. You can remove the whole section if you want.
San: No, keep the whole thing but not the actual name.
TYY: The…err…err…so you said, err, you worked at
 the Covent Garden distribution point…erm…presumably
 the London head office erm is in charge of several other
 distribution points. To your knowledge, is that system of
err supposedly voluntary workers actually receiving cash
remuneration and that money not making it back to
head office, are you aware of that being replicated
 anywhere else.
San: It’s replicated everywhere. The only discrepancy
 is that we in Covent Garden…err…would get paid more
 than all the other distribution points primarily because we
 do more work but they have…you know there’s much more
 footfall but there is some disgruntlement, say in the…the
 Oxford…Oxford Street distribution point, the Liverpool
Street distribution point, the Angel distribution point…there
s some disgruntlement amongst other Voluntary Coordinators
who are essentially I think getting sometimes, not quite half,
but maybe 60% of what we were getting in Covent Garden,
but it happens…it’s standard right across the board.
NEVER BUY The Rotten Big Issue, 1991-2011.
TYY: How many distribution points are there?
San: There used to be six. Err…I believe there still are six.
There’s Victoria, Covent Garden, Angel, Liverpool Street,
 Oxford Circus and I believe they opened one, there also
used to be also one in Notting Hill. I believe there are six.
TYY: And there are others…err…I mean there are different
branches of the Big Issue aren’t there but there are others also
 that are within the domain of the London office of the Big Issue.
San: No. No, that would be it.
TYY: I mean the company, under the same company.
San: Oh yeah, absolutely they are countrywide, all different
divisions but they sort of opened up at various other distribution
 points for a long long time and far be it for me to say the reason
 they can’t, because the Outreach Teams do absolutely nothing.
They can’t give them less for them to do nothing with that, can we?
TYY: And who are these Outreach Workers?
San: What do you mean who are they?
TYY: I mean…err…what’s the kind of…what are
the qualifications for the job?
San: I don’t know. I just know one chap who was given
the post. He’s a very young chap, he’s never been homeless,
 I’m not saying he’s not a decent chap. I know his name. But
he was given the post on…purely on the recommendation that
 his father’s the…err…Police Commander for Wandsworth.
(Gerry Campbell is the present Acting Borough Police
Commander for Wandsworth. Is he the same man? Ed. UM.)
TYY: What does an average Outreach Worker make?
 Do you know?
San: A damn sight more than they would declare, my dear!
TYY: I was told that it was around £18,000 or £19,000
 but you mentioned a figure closer to £28,000.
San: I think £18,000 or £19,000 would be ridiculous
 because…[pause]…I couldn’t say. 18 or 19 just seems
to me to be a paltry amount…but a…well it’s not
actually a paltry amount for doing very little but…
TYY: How hands on is John Bird in the running of the Big Issue?
San: As far as I am aware, he’s not hands on at all at present.
TYY: So who really runs it, then?
San:: I’ve been out…outwith it for about eight months now so
I couldn’t really say. Err, the CEO, Stephen (Robertson), has
a big say and Mr James Caan ( a so-called Liberal Muslim!),
 I believe, has a huge amount of influence, but John Bird now
 just does all the sort of mad media work. He is supposedly
still the Editor-in-Chief but I believe he has actually
relinquished that position.
TYY: Okay, we’ll end it there.
Piles and piles of cash is going to Bird & Co, but
 little if any is going to the vendors or the homeless!!
TYY: Last question. Your thoughts on corporate
 hospitality at the Big Issue [laughs].
San: It’s just an absolute jolly. It has no basis…err…
I see it having no…no material benefit to any vendor
whatsoever. It’s just a jolly and it could be networking but
 they all fly off to Paris and fly off to Berlin and jump up
 and down the Himalayas, drink huge…stupid amounts of
 champagne in various locations around London and pat
 each other on the back and contemplate their next fraud!
TYY: Erm…can you give me an example of an event that
you’ve attended where you’ve been kind of astonished
at the amount of monies…amount of money being spent?
San: There are…there are too many to mention. Really
too many to mention. Say at the Big Issue’s 14th or
15th birthday Big Walk night out we were just over
 there actually, in the national film theatre, film thingy…
what’s it called?
TYY: The British Film Institute?
San: Thank you. The BFI. But then we all converged on
 St Barnabus in Soho at about 4o’clock in the morning and
 there were 250 bottles of champagne there waiting for us.
TYY: Would that…does that money come from the Big
Issue or does it come from the Big Issue Foundation.
San: I believe that was all paid for by the Foundation but
when I was there the Head of the Foundation or the head
of corporate fundraising was a chap called who, who
 would take us all out for jolly jollies but…
TYY: Coz I’ve had a look at the accounts for the Big Issue
Foundation and they’re really quite extraordinary, the amount
of money that goes on pure costs, pure fundraising costs, it’s
about 50/50 split. And in terms of actual money that goes to
vendors, what they term ‘vendor support’, only £27,000 of
over £1 million actually makes it to the vendors.
Does that sound about right?
San: Well if you buy [laughs] if you buy the occasional vendor
a pair of gloves and give him a glass of orange juice and a
slice of toast in ten years that sounds about right [laughs].
TYY: Do you think that the sums of money that are
 spent on fundraising are justified?
San: No. No.
TYY: Err…the err…does the Big Issue Foundation sublet
 Big Issue offices? Are they based in the same office block.
San: They are indeed.
TYY: And what proportion of the building do they take up?
San: I always see them roam but there’s one section that’s
 like sectioned off. The Outreach Team has the basement
 area, which is quite a large area, err…
TYY: The actual fundraising team…err…I’m assuming
they’ve got a static area for telephone use…though they
curiously don’t use the telephone very much according to
their accounts…but presumably that team needs a static
 area. What proportion of the building does that take up?
San: I’d imagine…as far as I knew it was only and in that
team and I couldn’t say for but certainly spends his entire
time getting drunk on accounts so who knows? [laughs]
TYY: Because the Big Issue Foundation currently – it used
 to pay a lot, lot more – but it currently pays half of the rent
 for that building. Do you think that’s justified in terms
of the amount of actual space they take up?
San: I couldn’t possibly comment on that, sorry…
TYY: Okay.
- End of Interview -
My Thoughts on The Sanjav Answers.
By Unce Monty.
Here then are some of my own thoughts on Sanjav's 
comments in Tom Yomogi Yuri's Interview. When
Sanjav said that the reality and attitude of The Big
Issue sods is akin to "a hand up and a kick down," I
 immediately saw that has exactly what happened to me
 by The Big Issue's vile Peter-Bird-The Prick. He arbit-
rarily and capriciously suspended me for "bringing The
 Big Issue into disrepute." What the prick did to me
was a  kick down! He did that with the full backing of
his pigface brother Anthony John Bird and his little
paid lackeys at London's Big Issue HQ. As a result
of that, I have come to detest everything to do with
the vile Bird Brothers and their rotten Big Issue ...
As for only 27,000 quid out of ONE MILLION
quid going to serve the Big Issue vendors, that
speaks volumes about the moral and ethical bank-
ruptcy of the The Big Issue, John Bird, and his
 Fat Catz toward their vendors and the larger
 homeless community. Indeed, such may bor-
der on corruption and financial irregularities
big time!! If not that, then certainly it sounds
like deliberate and contemptuous abuse of
their charity status which they have milked
and milked to benefit themselves for years and
years and gotten away with it thus far without
as much as a murmur from their supporters
and donors or being subject to a official in-
vestigation by The UK Charity Commission
to establish once and for all what The Big
Issue is really upto!!
When Sanjav described John Duffy as a "lovely
man" I almost fell thru the floor! Duffy was too
cosy with the vile Bird Brothers to begin with,
but worst he was literally hated by the majority
of Big Issue vendors that I knew during the
course of my own five years as a so-called
 badged vendor at Covent Garden. John Duffy
was a bully, too. That aside from being a failed
business operator who was then hired by pigface
 John Bird to be his "International Business Manager"
 at Vauxhall HQ. A three-legged rodent could have
done the job better. One of Duffy's constant refrains
 was how The Big Issue was always there for him
at whenever he hit hard times yet again.  I was
sick of him brown nosing pigface at every turn.
Aside from that, the most egregious of Duffy's
 acts was his disgusting comment that he stated
in The Rotten Big Issue that it was better for
 vendors to sell Big Issue ''instead of going
around robbing old ladies." I was absolutely
livid to read John Duffy's callous comments
and put down against vendors, especially since
he himself was an ex-homeless person and an
ex-Big Issue vendor, too! I promptly emailed
him and told him off. My letter to The Big Issue
criticising Duffy was never published, of course!
The Big Issue is censored from beginning to end.
But the biggest question of all - "Who Gets All
The Money At The Big Issue? - remains to be
 answered fully in due course either by an out-
side investigation by The UK Charity Commission
 and/or HM Tax Revenue or even the Met Police
 Fraud Squad. It's all coming sooner or later the
way things stand right now with so many unans-
wered questions about what is really going on
behind-the-scenes of the rotten Big Issue. Sit
pretty and dig deep and then wait and see what
eventually happens - it's only a matter of time
 before the sour milk is spilled for us all to see.
Keep questioning, Uncle Monty.
+St. Micheal & All Angels, 2011.
Feedback & Comments
Concert in Aid of The Passage.
Tickets Are 15 Quid Each.
World Homeless Action Day, 10/10/11.
Life & Death of Rita & Arthur Bixby.
By Uncle Monty.

If U Recognise the baby, U'll recognise her mum.
Lewisham during London Riots last month. She's
an unfit "thing" to be called a "mother," I think!This Is
What Vile Tony Blair's Hideous Third World Mass
 Immigration Has Brought to the UK. Sod Him!!
As advertised at Guardian Jobs:
If so, then we want to hear from you! - London -
Sorry, this job is no longer live ...
But there's yet another 1,229 career Charities jobs in the UK!
It's an outrageous case of too many charities just playing the
"charity game" for all it's worth. We're overload with too many
 worthless and useless charities, just like we are with way too
many unwanted immigrants, menacing Muslims, and figid
foreigners, all having now swamped and flooded the UK
under odious New Labour & The British Labour
 Party's socialist gangsters and leftist loonies. Coupled
with the constant intrusion of the ogre and vicious
 European Union (EU) with all its mindless law making.
Talking of UK Charities, I'll soon take a closer look
 at the so-called disabled homeless charity called
GOOD4YOU, which is operated by a very iffy
 bloke called Francois Greeff.  Is it yet another
UK charity scam or what?
 Find out soon ...
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His Telling Interview of
Behind-The-Scenes At The Big Issue.
By Tom Yomogi Yuri.
Edited By Uncle Monty.
Story Graphics By Alex Albion.
Part 1 of 2.
Questions By Tom Yomogi Yuri = TYY.
Answers By Sanjav = San.
TYY: What is it you do at the Big Issue?
San: I was a Voluntary Coordinator in Covent Garden.
TYY: What does that mean exactly?
San: It means we managed the Covent Garden area. We
 distribute the magazines…actually I did more than that…I…
for a while I was a Roving Coordinator which essentially
meant I was a Coordinator anywhere in London. I used
to meet the printing truck in Vauxhall at 5.30am and then
 deliver the magazines to all the various distribution points and
then make my way to Covent Garden and thereby undertake
 my duties as a Voluntary Coordinator in Covent Garden which
 was essentially training Green Badges, they’d come to us and
 also we’ve got obviously a mainstay of people who are
selling magazines – they’d come to us to buy their magazines.
It’s largely selling magazines but also ensuring that people
 within the Covent Garden catchment area adhere to the
Big Issue code of conduct. That was what I did.
TYY: And did you get paid for this job?
San: Did I get paid for it? The official answer is no but the
answer to you, my dear, is yes, of course, I wouldn’t
have done it otherwise.
TYY: How much?
San: You asked me this before. Erm. There was travel, there
 was phones, so there were benefits. There was lunch and
then. There were so many hidden benefits, it’s hard, really hard
 to explain but in terms of cash…erm…it varied but not a great
 variance, but…about £300 a week.
Sanjav: Delivering The Latest Edition of The Rotten Big Issue.
TYY: Was that presented as being a cash payment of £300
a week or did they say expenses of £300 a week?
San: Do you know what I honestly don’t know.
TYY: Did you receive that as a weekly lump sum?
San: No, daily.
TYY: So you got £60 a day?
San: No I got £60…no £100 on a Monday and it kind
of varied from there…£100 on a Monday, £40, £40
 and it would vary.
TYY: And where did that money come from?
San: From the takings [laughs] from the magazines
 in Covent Garden. We’d generate that money
 ourselves on the street.
The Big Issue's Prick Peter Bird.
TYY: Err can you explain that…the process of the money for me?
San: Well, all the people had to buy the magazines so they’d
come to us and the cost price to the public say at present is £2,
to vendor who is selling the magazine is £1, with sales upwards
on occasions of 1,600 magazines…quite rare…but 1,200,
1,300 was about the average so we’d be generating say between
 £800 and £1,000 coz would take her money… was also a
Coordinator…there was three Coordinators, all on the same
sort of package and we’d all take our money directly
from the takings on the day.
TYY: So these figures you’re talking about are the daily figures?
San: Which?
TYY: The…err, 1,300 issues?
San: Yeah, yeah, yeah…err…obviously it fluctuates quite
 a lot, given the weather, given the season, given…given err
 holidays…and some other things. I think…the minimum at the
 moment or when I left…I didn’t leave voluntarily by the way,
 I was asked to leave…err, but the minimum would have been
 800 per day but the year before that…and I was often covering
 Covent Garden on my own…err when I say often – frequently…
err…1,200, 1,300 up to 1,500 per day.
TYY: And how much of the…so are you saying that you
collected the Issues for Covent Garden from the distribution
centre, then you sold them in…to individual vendors in Covent
Garden and how much of the money then from those Issues
that were sold actually went back to the Big Issue head office?
San: What there was left after we’d taken our wages.
TYY: Which would be what on average?
San: Well, on the Monday was slightly different things
like I would do delivery. I’m not quite sure what was
 on but we’d take our…we were all on phone contracts
which were quite nice phone contracts, we’d all get travel
allowances, lunch allowances, other gratuities which I
can’t really mention, but strange little things would
 be thrown into the hat.
TYY: Like what [laughs] come on…we can edit it out later?
San: No, no, you don’t have to…theatre tickets…err…
tickets to the opera, theatre tickets…err…
TYY: Where did they come from?
San: They came directly from the office.
They used to send them over to us.
TYY: Where did the office get them from?
San: No idea. Absolutely none.
TYY: So…we’re saying like…what…what percentage
of the sales that you made in Covent Garden, what
percentage of that actually went back to head office?
San: About. I make this a rough estimate. My maths is
usually better…it’s a B right now…but…about 80%.
TYY: So you’d take 20% and 80% would go back?
San: Roughly. I mean I could do the maths again in a
 minute but, yeah, round about that.
TYY: And were head office aware that you were
taking a cut of the money?
San: Oh fully. That was how it was sanctioned.
That’s how we were paid.
TYY: Err…can you give an example of…err…anyone in any
position of authority that you’ve had a direct conversation
with about it?
San: Everybody knew. That’s how the Coordinators
 got paid. It’s not a great mystery.
TYY: Okay [laughs].
San: It’s still going on now.
The Big Issue's Pigface Anthony John Bird, 65.
TYY: So [laughs] I mean how…I want an example of not
just ‘everyone’ but give me an example of a conversation
 that you’ve had with a named person. How
high up would people know that?
San: The CEO, Steven (Robertson), would know that. Every-
body from the very top of the organisation (John Bird) down
(to Peter Bird). Obviously there’s a chap now called who’s
 the London Distribution Coordinator, he manages Covent
 Garden from there, we manage it on the streets, so they
 separate street based services and those who do absolutely
nothing in the office as far as I can tell, but everybody’s
 aware of it. There were occasions where I strangely forgot
 to take my money on the day, coz I’d be so busy, and I
would say to whoever was the Outreach Coordinator for
 the day ‘I’d forgot to take my money yesterday, I’ll
take it today’ and it was , who unfortunately is not there
 anymore, or if it was who had the foresight and goodwill
 to leave or or the…the Outreach supposed Coordinators
 were fully aware of it and I could do that on occasions say
 look, sorry, I forgot to take my money say on a Monday
I’m going to double it up today on the Tuesday.
Absolutely fine, no problem at all.
TYY: Err…what about…err…what was I going to say…
the outreach? What’s this team of outreach people?
San: Urgh! Speak to any (Big Issue) vendor, any vendor
 in London and they will look at you with utter bafflement.
Nobody really knows. They’re based in Vauxhall.
TYY: But do they actually exist?
San: Oh yeah they do exist. When I was there, and I was
 there for a long time…there was ordinarily a team of…
there was Outreach Team Leader…Outreach Manager,
Outreach Team Leader, four Outreach Team
Coordinators…so ordinarily a team of six.
TYY: Could you say that you have never, ever seen
a member of Outreach come out onto the streets?
San: Oh not at all…they’re there every…well they come
 at the end of every single day to pick up the money,
my dear! [laughs]
TYY: Genuinely you say that’s all they do?
San: I couldn’t…I wouldn’t be as cruel to say that to all
 those who…but that would seem…seem to be most of
what they do…if you look now…particularly at the Covent
Garden area or Waterloo area…and see the amount of
people there either sitting down or in a state of disrepair,
be it through drink or drugs and selling the Big Issue, the
Outreach team supposedly supposed to sort that out.
 Unfortunately that was left to me and to or to the street
 based coordinators.
TYY: Are you aware that Big Issue…err…the Big Issue
Foundation (headed by Nigel Kershaw) pays 35% of the
salaries of the Outreach Team?
San: I wasn’t but it doesn’t surprise me…err…I think I told
 you once before, there was…there was a woman who works
for the Outreach Team, actually no as a Service Broker and
when a friend of mine asked her what she did she said she was
 a Service Broker – he’s a Professor from Pennsylvania – and he
said, oh yeah, fine okay, that’s your title: what do you do? She
 couldn’t answer him. It’s ridiculous. She just stone dead couldn’t
answer him. She just looked…it was horrible…you actually just
reminded me of this at the time…just…
just lots of shuffling and…like.
TYY: The Foundation supposedly pays this 35% to cover the
portion of the work that Outreach does in the charitable aims
of the Foundation, you know, providing…err…information and
advice and support to vendors…and err supposedly not just to
 vendors…under the terms of the Charity Commission it has to
be to any homeless person…err…can you think of any
examples where this has actually taken place? leess
San: [long pause]…I’m afraid to say in…in my view…ess
it’s – I’m going to swear and you can cut that out – it’s
absolutely fucking absurd. All I ever saw was like occasionally
 they’d have like a breakfast day where they give vendors a slice
of toast and a glass of orange juice in the morning. Beyond that,
nothing. I’ve known lots of vendors who are desperate for a
passport, or desperate even for the most basic of needs…if
you ask street based homeless…i.e. a sleeping bag and been
 refused by…by the Outreach Team. It’s a nonsense.
Next: Part Two will present the second half of Tom Yomogi
Yuri's revealing interview with the ex-Big Issue's Sanjav.
Please note that the name "Sanjav" is used herein since
 the full and correct name for "Sanjav" is not known at
this time. However, Sanjav is easily identified from the
images of him posted within this report by Tom Yomogi
Yuri, which has been edited for space mainly. All
 text, however, is retained in the orginial with the
questions and answers untouched in any way other
 than to add the names of Big Issue personnel
 wherever appropiate.
As for Sanjav, he was one of the few at The Rotten Big
Issue's Vauxhall HQ who personally acknowledged my
 presence and showed his respect toward me that the ilk
 of prick Peter Bird and cold granny Linda Driver never did.
Sanjav was everywhere as a staff member. He would arrive
early on his bike to open the front office at the London HQ
on time. I noticed he was missing when I held my last public
protest in May against the vile Bird Brothers outside The
Big Issue edifice. I wasn't sure if he was then on holiday
or had quit or had been sacked. Now I know he was
"asked to leave," presumably by Peter-Bird-The-Prick. 
 A good and honest worker, Sanjav, like so many
before him, is nothing to The Big Issue machine of
greed and self-centredness and the Bird tyranny of
exploitation of those under them either as stiff staff or
street vendors or duped volunteers. I wish Sanjav
 all the very best and I wish all the very worst for
The Vile Bird Brothers and their rotten Big Issue.
You'll hear more about Sanjav soon in Part 2 at
where the question is then raised of "Who Gets
All The Money At The Big Issue?"
Bestest, Uncle Monty.
+Ember Day (BCP), 2011.
Feedback & Comments:
Black Funeral of Police-Shot Gangster Mark Duggan
That UK Scum Looters & Vile Rioters Used As An
 Excuse To Make Mayhem & Violence on the London
city streets, and at other UK urban centres, last month!!
 Look at the photo and then ask yourself:  "What in
heaven's name have they now done to England?
Do U Recognise A Rioter or Looter? If So, Hand Them In ...
By Uncle Monty.
Will The Fake John Bird, Stand Up!
Whoever you are that continues to send me
emails galore in the fake name of John Bird,
I would simply ask that you stop without any 
further ado. Pigface John Bird and I have no
wish or desire to contact each other in any shape
 or form. All I am waiting for is to read his obit!!
Or at least the finale or end of his Rotten Big Issue.
Your comments that I have contacted you as
 "John Bird" are absolute lies from start to finish.
Please go away or better still do us all a big
favour and go jump off the nearest bridge
you pitiful and spiteful git. UM.
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