
HWC 2011

Parc Du Champ De Mars:
Paris 2011 Homeless World Cup.
By Uncle Monty At The Serengeti's
Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
French Story By Julie Lévy-Marchal.
Additional HWC Photography
 By Gary Day at Paris.
Paris Photos By Alex Albion.
You certainly didn't need to speak French to understand
what was going on at last week's Paris 2011 Homeless
World Cup held at Parc Du Champ De Mars  right under
the huge shadow of France's world famous Eiffel Tower.
Sweaty and hot was the afternoon when I arrived at the
day's matches to see among the many other homeless foot-
ballers those from Scotland easily beating The Philippines by 
a resounding score of 7 to 2. On the final day of the 7-day
 HWC, Scotland was once again proclaimed Champion of
the Games for 2011. Such was a great repeated of their
football feat back at Copenhagen in 2007 where they
were also rightfully proclaimed the World Cup Champions.
Even the Crown Prince of Denmark presented them
with their 2007 Homeless World Cup!!
Scotland, Refs, & The Philippines at Paris 2011 HWC.
I didn't see this time any players or coaches of the English or
Welsh or Northern Ireland homeless teams nor any of their
 matches nor did I set eyes upon HWC founder Mel Young,
58, who I have regularly encountered personally at five pre-
vious HWC annual and global events that I have attended.
Some Scotland Fans at Paris 2011 Homeless World Cup.
With three seperate pitches and games officiated bilingually
in French and English, the Paris 2011 Homeless World Cup
was relatively quiet and sparsely attended compared to previous
homeless world cups that I have seen, for example, at Melbourne,
Capetown and Milan. It was after all midweek and midafternoon
 in Paris and so that easily explained why I found the afternnon to
 be so quiet and sparse at Parc du Champ de Mars. Despite
that, an estimated 50,000 crowd of Paris spectators was due.
Although such a crowd or not, nothing would seem to diminish
the hypo and shrill supporters of the Russian and Danish home-
less teams as they squared-off to a boisterous and excellent
game. Whenever the homeless Russians scored their fans
 would immediately stamp their feet all together on the stadium
gangways.  While, the women teams also showed their deter-
mined sports skills to play good soccer at its amateur best
no matter if they were homeless or not.
French Magazine Photographer Shoots Homeless
World Cup Players For An Upcoming Photospread.
From what I saw of the players at Paris 2011 HWC,
they seemed to be a much older homeless group this
time than what I'd seen before at other Cups. Also, at
Champ de Mars, there were few if any police present.
Such contrasted sharply to Milan at where the Italian
cops seemed to be circling the homeless event with top
military brass - with the ranks of generals - present every
day during the Milan games. It was like they feared the
world homeless players would riot or something!! Dust
blown by the gust of winds at Paris was evident at
 times during the matches but not enough to stop those
 playing on the pitches.  The allocation of space for the
Paris 2011 event was much crammed and much smaller
 than I'd seen at other HWC events. Footballers and foot-
ball always need plenty of space and legroom to best
compete against organized teams and good players.
Not Exactly HWC's Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Now read below the following news report
in French by AFP's Julie Lévy-Marchal
on the Paris 2011 HWC.
Sans-abri, ils jouent la coupe du monde de
 football pour retrouver confiance.
PARIS - Ils sont Argentins, Finlandais, Palestiniens, Kenyans
ou encore Namibiens et ont tous un point commun: sans-abri, ils
jouent la coupe du monde de football à Paris près de la Tour
Eiffel pour tacler leur précarité et retrouver confiance en eux.
Agé de 27 ans, Boris Mirakian est de ceux qui participent à la
 compétition pour décrocher un emploi. En raison d'un "problème
de titre de séjour", il dit ne pas en trouver. "Je suis né en
Géorgie mais cela fait seize ans que je suis en France.
Aujourd'hui, je suis dans l'impasse et obligé de vivre chez mes
 parents", explique ce brun à la barbe naissante qui vit à Caen.
L'un de ses coéquipiers, Jonathan Decombard, 22 ans, a
le même objectif. Envoyé à la rue à 16 ans à la suite d'une
rupture familiale, il dit avoir vécu "de squat en squat" pendant
 quatre ans avant de trouver un logement.
Pour la plupart des quelque 500 sans-abri évoluant dans les
deux tournois féminin et masculin, le but est avant tout de se
reconstruire une estime de soi, à l'instar de Hilda Dvergsnes,
Norvégienne de 31 ans, qui dit avoir perdu son logement
 "en raison de problème de drogue".
Pour Salim Musa, attaquant de l'équipe d'Angleterre, hébergé
à l'hôtel depuis plus d'un an, c'est un moyen de se resociabiliser.
"J'ai l'habitude de rester cloîtré à l'hôtel. Ici au moins, je ren-
contre des gens de culture différente, c'est très enrichissant",
explique ce jeune homme de 23 ans, originaire de Birmingham.
D'autres comme Will Mitchell, Canadien de 26 ans au chômage,
 préfère profiter de l'instant présent. "Je suis confiant. Je
vais d'abord jouer le tournoi. Après on verra", explique ce
joueur polyvalent, plutôt trapu, à la barbichette rousse.
Pour participer à la compétition sportive annuelle, initiée en 2003
à Graz (Autriche), les joueurs doivent avoir au moins seize ans,
 n'avoir pris part à aucun tournoi précédent de la Homeless World
Cup, être demandeur d'asile, être ou avoir été dans l'année sans
domicile fixe selon la définition propre à chaque pays.
"On est face à une population très variée. Jouer à deux pas
 de la Tour Eiffel, c'est un formidable moyen d'attirer du monde et
de montrer aux gens une image différente des sans-abri", souligne
Benoît Danneau, directeur du comité locale d'organisation (Clo).
"Le football remobilise les sans-abri dans leur corps, dans leur
tête. Cela leur permet de créer des liens d'amitié, de vivre en-
semble. Ils apprennent à se booster mutuellement", ajoute
celui qui est aussi animateur au Secours catholique.
"Avant d'envisager de retrouver un emploi, la vraie pré-
occupation est avant tout pour certains de renouer le dialogue
 avec leurs parents, de réduire leur consommation d'alcool, de
se désintoxiquer ou de trouver un logement", poursuit-il.
La neuvième Coupe du monde de football des sans-abri se 
déroule jusqu'au dimanche 28 août sur trois mini-terrains situés
 au Champ-de-Mars. Les organisateurs, qui ont laissé l'entrée
gratuite, espèrent attirer de 40 à 50.000 spectateurs tout au
 long de la compétition dont la finale est programmée le 28 août.
Parallèlement, un colloque international sur le thème "La rue:
y tomber, y vivre, s'en sortir et ne pas y retomber" est organisé
jusqu'au 24 août au collège des Bernardins.
Le titre de champion du monde est détenu par le Brésil qui s'était
imposé à Rio en 2010 dans les deux tournois, féminin et masculin.
 Julie Lévy-Marchal, AFP News Agency.
Joyce Crean, HWC Paris Media Rep. She's From
Dublin, But Now Lives & Works In Paris.
Joyce Was A Ball of Fun!! And so friendly, too ...
One of the main entrances to HWC.
Feedback & Comments
Next By Uncle Monty:
Homeless Everywhere Inside Paris.
Followed By Uncle Monty's Scathing Story:
A Web Note Or Two.  By Uncle Monty.
I was unable to upload or post my HWC report from 
The Ngorongoro Crater. So I waited until today to do so
from Tanzania's largest city of Dar Es Salaam. But even
then, it took several hours to finally view directly online
 what was thankfully uploaded. My story on the Paris
2011 WHC is rather brief but enough to let you all know
at allaboutthebigissue of my encounter there to share with
you all. I'm now almost done with my holidayz as I head
 back to Paris with Contessa Maria. She'll then go on back 
to USofA and I'll return to homebase. As for The Serengeti,
no previous African safari that I have been on comes
close to this one - period! I'm still reeling with absolute
 delight and amazement from my one and only visit to
The Serengeti. I have already sold the complete rights to
my 285 Serengeti images that will help to suppliment my
otherwise meagre pension pot. It would only take such a
wonderful and a truly generous person like Maria to take
 me on yet another adventure of a lifetime. If being home-
less started out as a terrible curse for me, then when I met
Contessa it turned out to be one of the best and brightest
 blessings of my whole sinful Anglican life. And when I see
 the tripe and the hate of the most vile American Joseph 
Colin James III, 61, or Troll CJ3, and his mean bastards
 John and Peter Bird of The Big Issue, it only shows and
proves me what goodness can do over their evil against
 me thanks to Maria's golden kindness for over six years
 now ... How the Good Lord works in such mysterious
 ways to heal my deep scars and bitter wounds when 
you truly believe in Him like I very much do even when 
so many all around me care not a hoot for Him. How
sad and how pathetic???  Laugh if you will!!  Only stu-
pid people do ... And, those tight-fisted bastards called
The Bird Brothers and that Colorado Cunt called CJ3
of Loveland, USA. Their twisted and godless lives have
 survived and functioned at the expense and disposal of
others that they have vindictively victimized over many
years. They are, after all, no good and rotten to the core
despite their so-called "success" in their nasty lives. The
threesome are good for each other, but for nobody else.
They fit together, perfectly ... I shall rejoice when I
see the back of them.
And before I forget, the next HWC is set for 2012
at Mexico City or Ciudad Mexico.  Hope then
to see you there ... Amigos.
Greetings from Tanzania, Uncle Monty.
Sept. 2nd, 2011.
Pity It Wasn't An Ad For Paris 2011 Homeless World
 Cup ... Such Was Instead A Superb Ad for Paris Handball.
 Pity, too, that I only saw one poster at the Paris Metro telling
the public at where the Paris 2011 HWC was being held!!
Paris In The Fall.
By Uncle Monty.
{ To Enlarge any image just click on it }

1 comment:

Dan. said...

Dear Uncle Monty; The more I have read your well prepared blog, the more I am convinced the Big Issue has tossed away a most talented person like you. The latest story by you from Paris proves again your ability to outshine just about anything to do with Mr. Bird and his company. I started to read you blog earlier this year after I had a bad run in with one of his crazies on the street. Never again will I support or give to the homeless connected with Big Issue. No, I won't. I shall continue to read your anti-big issue blog. I can now understand where you're coming from after my own bad experience with the crazies. Cheerio, Dan.