
Wills. By Uncle Monty.

My Public Word To Wills.
By Uncle Monty.
For you the good Prince William to use The Big
Issue as a public platform to highlight your
“fight against growing homelessness blight” of
young Britons and rough sleepers, I'm afraid
you've simply boosted the greedy profits of
The Big Issue scrooges Peter and John Bird
more than anything else at this Christmastide.
With dismal and plummeting 2010 Xmas sales
for all The Big Issue vendors due, among
other factors, to the recent arctic weather in
the UK, your “Xmas gift” in the form of your
article only helps The Big Issue and not the
lowly homeless per se. Many of them will
land-up at CRISIS or The Quaker Christmas
Shelter as usual while the Bird Brothers them-
selves gleefully gather to munch on tender
turkey and Christmas pudding to
their selfish hearts content.
The Bird sods will also count the extra money
they’ve now gotten because of you after using
The Big Issue as a platform that benefits the
scrooges first and not those out on the cold,
bleak winter, streets of the UK.
Wills or Wales or Whatever Princely Name He Wants!
You see, Wills, while I much admire your
endeavours to help the homeless and your personal
inspiration stemming from your dear mum - the
late Diana, Princess of Wales – I ask that you NOT
give The Big Issue scrooges any unwarranted boost
to make more profits off the backs of the homeless
and of their Dickensian exploitation of them.
The Big Issue is a corporate entity, not a home-
less agency that seeks to put the homeless first
above and beyond the Bird Brothers’ big
business profits at the expense of the homeless
in the UK. My public word to you Wills is to
always do your good deeds, but please don't do
so by boosting The Big Issue at the expense and
exploitation of the street vendors by such a rag!
So thank you, your Royal Highness ...
Good luck, too, Wills at Centrepoint!!
William spearheads fight against
growing homelessness 'blight.'
It's Christmas Eve and Those Buggers
The Bird Brothers Stole My Christmas
Tree! God Damn Them!!
Truly, Uncle Monty.
+Christmas Eve, 2010.
:: A Few Christmas Greetings From
Some of My Old Friends! ::
Lovely to get your Christmas message,
Monty. I am in Melbourne where I will pray
for you at Midnight Mass. Many prayers,
Father Alexander. Sent from my iPad.
Dear Monty
It is my turn to wish you a very merry Christmas
and a very happy and healthy 2011. I hope you
are well. Kind regards Agnès.
We go only by the grace of god. Remember it’s
Christmas from us to you. All cheers to u for
2011. We miss u Old Monty. No more Big
Issues do we buy since u left. Chris, Davy,
Helen, Batty, Cyrena, and Jeff.
Dearest U. Monty - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
LOL, Jane Wiltshire.
Monty dear, wishing you a Happy Xmas.
All the best for 2011. I hope to find you
well. I miss you at Cafe Nero. Love,
Ida Negri xxx.
:: Feedback & Comments ::
Homeless in New York or The Big Apple ...
Redneck John Bird of The Big Issue. Does
He Not Also Know How To Dress? He walks
and talks like a stuffed pig, he does. Beyond
that, he's a fake friend of the homeless!
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Magical Xmas. By Uncle Monty.

Wishing One & All A Magical
and Blessed Christmas, 2010.
By Uncle Monty.
I didn’t miss my annual carol singing at London’s
Charing Cross Station to raise Xmas Funds for the
homeless at The Connections, which is located at the
worthy and world famous St. Martin-in-the-Fields.
The good ladies, both very young and the not so young
(as shown below), sang traditional English Christmas
carols as the railway passengers were either arriving
or departiing the British capital en masse.
I noticed a sharp decline in Xmas giving by my charity
bucket that was only half full compared to previous
years where my red bucket would be almost full of
change amd plenty of banknotes. I saw not one
banknote in the bucket this year, I’m afraid. Alot
of loose change was evident, but also alot fewer
folkz stopped to give or even fewer stopped to
listen to the 30 or so St. Martin's carol singers or
respond to their Xmas Appeal. Yet, I didn’t see,
however, a lack of Xmas shopping bags by
many of those same folkz who neither
stopped to give nor to listen.
Also what was missing this year at Charing Cross was
the large Xmas Tree that is seen annually inside the
station. A couple of people complained about it, while
one of the station’s employers explained that due to
"health and safety laws" the tree had not been put up
this year since the corner where it usually stood had
now been turned into another small commercial
shop called “Paul.” Welcome to Christless Britain!
Doing Good Deeds: St. Martin's Carol Singers
Raising Xmas Funds To Help The Homeless.
Arriving early at Charing Cross, I noticed Big Issue
vendor No. 5541 standing at The Strand entrance
almost oblivious to any customers he might have
had as he stood tinkering with his cellphone and his
young head completely down as he dangled, almost
forlorn, a couple of copies of the latest Big
Issue rag in his one hand. He didn’t sell a
copy, of course, while I observed him.
As a Big Issue vendor, the key is to always pay
attention to all customers coming your way. If you’re
only interested is your stupid mobile, then don’t expect
to sell or get a surprise Christmas donation or "drop"
from a kind member of the public. If a vendor can
afford an expensive cellphone, then I suspect he’s
not that skint or in need of an urgent helping
hands or even worse his mobile could
be stolen property.
This is my first Christmas without my Big Issue
pitch due entirely to the scrooges Peter & John
Bird having taken away my Long Acre pitch back in
May. Private e-mails and conversations to me this
week have ranged from saying "screw the scrooges"
to observing that if the Bird Brothers aren't moved
at this time of the year - which they are not - then
they'll never be moved to restore my five year
pitch to me. That's exactly what they've done
no matter if it's Xmas or not in deChristianized
England. They symbolize the deChristianization
of Britain do the scrooges peewee Peter Bird &
his jack ass brother John Bird of The Big Issue.
Come 2011, I'll write more about them individ-
ually called "Forget His Life" - It's Not Worth
The Toilet Paper That It's Written.
On a more Christmasy note for those
who are homeless and marginalizd:
The Quaker Christmas Shelter at Union
Chapel, Compton Ave., Islington, London N1.
It will be open at 3:00pm, from Thursday,
Dec. 23rd, 2010, to 10:00am, Thur. Dec. 30th.
Dinner at 6:00pm. Breakfast at 8:00am.
Packed lunches are also available.
Various services held in the evenings.
Self-referrals are availabe, too,
for overnight beds:
Referral line open 22nd December:
07833 123 155
Merry Christmas, Uncle Monty.
+O Sapientia (BCP), 2010.
Don't give to beggars, they'll only buy drugs,
Activists call for end to France's homeless crisis.
By Louisa Long in Paris.

:: Feedback & Comments ::

Missed The Xmas Do. By Uncle Monty.

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Scrooges. By Uncle Monty,

Coming in 2011, the first story of the New Year will
be about the ugly Peter & John Bird of The Big Issue.
The story “Forget His Life: It’s Not Worth The Toilet
Paper That It’s Written On” will be applied to each
of the loathsome and scrooge brothers, who have not
only failed to offer me an olive branch but have now
also stolen my Christmas by their refusal to give
me back my rightful Big Issue pitch at
London’s Covent Garden.
In their callousness and meanness, peewee Peter
Bird and his big bloated brother John Bird have
also thrown away all my Christmas customers and
my Christnas sales in order to assert their patent
injustice and scrooge-attitude against me as
a five-year badged Big Issue vendor.
I shall never forgive or forget the lousey Bird
Brothers for what they have now deliberately
done against me and against some of their
other dismissed vendors. But unlike those other
vendors badly treated by the vile Bird Brothers,
I for one will NOT go away and be silent against
them. No sir, I intend to expose them for
what they really are – cold and mean
and godless that they are.
That’s why you’ll see them pictured here with
the upside down cross painted on their wicked
foreheads as we say to others regarding each
one of them – "Forget His Life." More then
in the New Year, 2011, about the Big Issue
scrooges Peter and John Bird.
Text By Uncle Monty ~ Graphics By Alex Albion.
+Third Sunday of Advent, 2010.
:: Message To Neil Morrissey, The British Actor ::
Yes, use your fame and name to help the homeless,
but please NOT The Big Issue as reported in The
Times yesterday from Derby with street vendor
Gavin Mason. You can help, for example, CRISIS
At Christmas, 2010. Unlike The Big Issue, CRISIS
feeds and shelters thousands of needy homeless
during yuletide without any concern to profit off
the backs of the homeless like The Big Issue does
year in, year out. I urge you Neil to help CRISIS
above and beyond the greedy Bird Brothers ... Or
help any other homeless charity that you see fit to
use your fame and name to truly help those who
are homeless. Centre Point and The Connections
at St. Martin-in-the-Fields are truly worthy, too.
http://www.crisis.org.uk/ ~ or 08000 38 48 38.
:: Feedback & Comments ::
Big Issue Scrooge A. John Bird, M.B.E.
More Power To WikiLeaks. By Uncle Monty.
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Branch. By Uncle Monty.

No Olive Branch. By Uncle Monty.
No olive branch has been offered to me
by Peter & John Bird of The Big Issue at
this Christmastide, 2010. Not a thing
from them, although I shouldn't expect
anything from them knowing how cold
and callous the Bird characters truly are.
Thus my empty Big Issue pitch is still
empty after those sods destroyed my pitch
by suspending me on their pretext of
"bringing The Big Issue into disrepute."
What they have done to me is still fest-
ering like mad and yet they haven't
the slightest goodwill to try to resolve
our problem at this special time of the
year that is also called "yuletide."
Here I am at my pitch today with my new badge
No. 0001 for legal display and my new green Xmas
hat in the shape of a Xmas Tree!! The folkz on Long
Acre just loved what they saw ... As I sat, however,
I still seethed at the vile Bird Brothers.
Essentially an utterly godless pair, peewee Peter
Bird and his big bloated brother John Bird don't
give a damn anyway, since they're now rolling
in big money at their exploitation of the
homeless, year in and year out, in the UK.
But that will come to end sooner or later.
Their corporate and charity game will
then be up and finished once and for all.
In the meantime, the latest issue No. 926
has jumped to two quid a copy from £1.70
with the Big Issue street vendors now forced
to pay a quid at wholesale price per copy. It's
again the shabby case of the Big Issue operators
squeezing every last penny out of the homeless
in order for it to make-up for sagging sales
on the streets. With the snow and ice of the
past week and the impending arctic freeze set
for the next couple of weeks inside the UK,
many vendors are going to be stuck between
a rock and hard place since it will be too
bitterly cold for vendors to stand out on the
streets for any long periods of time. While back at
Vauxhall - The Big Issue London HQ - I suspect
stacks of unsold magazines will be evident and
at which the vile Bird Brothers will demand
their vendors sell unsold copies into the
next week like they did at last Christmas.
Squeezing Every Last Penny From Out
of The Big Issue Vendors. 7/28/2009.
With The Big Issue new price increase comes
also an increase in pages after pages of adverts,
appeals, promotions, vouchers, and free down-
loads, that clutters the magazine from cover-to-
cover. Of the 54 pages in issue No. 926, more
than 25 pages - almost half of the rag - is taken
up with commercialism that does nothing to help
the homeless except make more corporate
profits for the greedy movers and shakers
behind The Big Issue. While they revel in
the warmth, the Big Issue vendor must
freeze out on the wintery streets in order to
try and make a buck or two for himself or
herself. Many vendors will simply quit
this Christmas due to the arctic conditions
and/or the every increasing task of deal-
ing with the almost mafioso Vauxhall.
As we sat at Cafe Nero - that is Jill and I -
in came a friend of the known street
thief called Curley trying to flog the Big
Issue to the packed coffee customers.
Most didn't even look up, but just waved
away the unbadged and wretched-looking
guy or shook their heads in disapproval.
He came penniless and left penniless
after he made no sales inside Cafe Nero.
I repeat for all - "Peter & John Bird Stole My
Christmas Tree," like the sods that they are ...
Spitting out his usual leftist garbage and
his known twaddle, old A. J. Bird grandly
editorializes in his No. 926 issue with his
"Letter to ... A Protester."
Of course, he didn't dare mention that I
have been, and continue to be, a protester
against him and his peewee brother Peter
Bird. He doesn't say if he himself has been
a protester as a guy who was an active
Trotskyist until he hit the good times with
the capitalist mongrels of Gordon and
Anita Roddick. So much then for his views
on ridding beggers and homeless tea runs
that would fit more with the Nazi agenda
than with his champagne socialist
credentials of today.
One of my favourite Big Issue pictures taken
of me during the pouring rain at my pitch at
London's Covent Garden in 2oo9. Now my
pitch has been made CHRISTMAS DEAD!!
And so, no olive branch from Peter and John
Bird of The Big Issue to me at this special time
of Christmastide. But like I stated earlier, I
shouldn't expect such from such vile characters
like them. I guess the only consolation for me
this year is that I could not sit or stand outside
in the arctic freeze even if I still rightly had my
Big Issue pitch that the bastard Bird Brothers
threw away just to be mean to me. Luckily
and already, Christmas cash and gifts from
my many friends have started to roll in as if
I am still at my Long Acre pitch. Bravo!
And, I happily thank the Good Lord,
always ... with or without an olive branch
from those Bird sods!!
Yep, I was running late but now I have
made up for that by completing my latest
story on The Big Issue. Doing has I do
with so many other things I do makes
me sometimes late. And, after spending
sometime earlier today to have my story
photographs herein taken at my old pitch
that has been thrown away by the bastard
Bird Brothers! "No Olive Branch" is
written for you and my blog readership
that appears to be growing slowly
but surely. Bravo!
Have a lovely "warm" day, Uncle Monty.
+Second Sunday in Advent, 2010.
Yep, They've Deliberately Stole My Xmas Tree.
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Budda. By Uncle Monty. My New Story.
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