
Far From.

Jerusalem Far From Golden For The Homeless.
By Uncle Monty.
Jerusalem Photos
 By Alex Albion.
Take a short tram ride from Damascus Gate, via City
 Hall, to Jaffa Road (also known simply as "YAFO")
and there you'll find some of the homeless of the
Eternal City of Jerusalem. And, for such homeless
 Jerusalem is obviously far from golden.
While such renowned English hymns as Rev'd Johh Mason
Neale's "Jerusalem The Golden" and Sir Hubert Parry's
1916 English patriotic anthem "Jerusalem" gives high praise 
to Religious Jerusalem in its hymnology and Anglican voice,
 the modern day homeless of Jerusalem can find there is little
 golden at the Eternal City, especially for those stuck
 on Jaffa Road or at YAFO.
Yet over 2,000 miles away at London from Jerusalem , those
on Jaffa Road could well be seen on say Fulham Road with
only a change of scenery. Otherwise, they'd be exactly the
 same as in many cases of UK homelessness due to the
similar circumstances that first made them become 
homeless. So sad, yet so true!
A Jerusalem Jew Found Homeless On Jaffa Road. A
Rare Sight Among The Homeless of The Eternal City.
Luckily for me, a young 23 year old college fella called
"Harley," who worked  part-time at my Jerusalem B&B,
agreed to come with me to act as my street interpreter
among the Jaffa Road homeless. Harley was great!
Taking my questions in English, he then spoke in Arabic
and/or Hebrew to the homeless and their answers he gave
 me back in English. I was in luck! We approached the
 first Jaffa Road homeless man of about age forty or so
as he lay on his makeshift bed on the cold pavement or
sidewalk to ask him some questions about himself and his
 condition of homelessness at Jerusalem The Golden.
When asked how he become homeless, he said he didn't
know! Asked how long he'd been homeless, he said he
didn't know! Asked if he was a rough sleeper, he said he
 didn't know! Asked what he did before he became homeless,
 he said he didn't know. Asked if he was single or married or
divorced he said he didn't know. Asked how old he was, he
said he didn't know. Asked if he'd had a job at sometime in
 the past, he said he didn't know!! Oh, boy!  How long have
you been homeless at Jaffa Road. You guessed it! He said he
didn't know .... For a moment I thought perhaps the young
college kid Harley wasn't interpreting my questions correctly
 into Arabic, but he assured me that he was and that the man's
 answers were exactly the same - he said he "didn't know" to
 every question asked of him. In frustation, we moved on to
 the next homeless Arabic man (shown at the above caption
image) just yards away. He spoke broken English and he
tried his best to explain his personal predicament
 to Harley and I.
In his mid-30's, he said he was forced on the streets after
 losing his day job for being in a row with one of his fellow
 workers at the local marketplace. He said he has been un-
able to find another job and didn't have any money now to
 pay for rent. Homeless for just under a year, he has never
married and is estranged with his parents and siblings for
reasons he didn't explain. He survives by begging daily on
Jaffa Road at where in 1917 British Troops marched down
the same road to declare "The British Mandate" of Palestine
and long before the present State of Israel come into exist-
ence in 1948. He said he'd like to go to England since he
 was told the homeless there were treated real good. I
assured him that such wasn't particularly true, but for the
 English homeless there is at least some mechanism in place
to help them while such is not true at Jerusalem The Golden.
A Muslim, he also said he wasn't into Islam and doesn't find
 the Mosques or Imans that helpful to him. They look
down him, he said. When we gave him a donation, he
stood up and hugged me and Harley graciously.
Homeless "Jack" Begs All & Every Day.
With his bed and crutch, the Muslim homeless man has
been in fights on Jaffa Road or YAFO with other home-
less people (see his bandaged hand) who have tried to
 dislodge him from his favourite spot to beg and sleep
for the last four years at Jerusalem The Golden.
Another Jaffa Road homeless Arab resident.
Ironically, the college kid Harley, said he'd like to work with
the homeless but that the local Jerusalem Municipal government
refuses to acknowledge or help those on the streets. He says
that he's seen more homeless of the last few years on Jaffa
Road and that they are mostly Muslims. Few Christians are
 seen on the street, he says, and almost invaribly no Jews
are among the homeless since Jewish families take care of
their own. I did see, however, one Jewish man at Jaffa
Road who was homeless with his skullcap on his head.
I pointed him out to Harley who said the man "wasn't
a real Jew!" Really? Well, he looked real to me!!
Jerusalem's Jaffa Road or YAFO.
Jerusalem is far from golden then for the homeless just
from what I saw on Jaffa Road or YAFO. It took me
almost a week to discover the homeless since at the
Old City the Israeli police and military quickly move
 on any so-called "undesirable characters" like the
 homeless and street beggers. They then usually land
up at Jaffa Road or YAFO, it seems. Jaffa Road is
where the ordinary folkz live and although only a
 few miles away from the tourist hub one would hardly
 know one was at Jerusalem the Golden.  Few foreign 
tourists and religious pilgrims venture to Jaffa Road
 like I did. They can see Jaffa Road from the safety of
their tram windows, but they mostly go on to visit the
World Zionist Cemetery Jerusalem and/or Israel's Jad
Vashem Holocaust Memorial at Mount Herzel. But
 for me,  I visited both the cemetery and Jaffa Road.
So, I visited both the half-living and the full dead!!
I only wish Jerusalem was the golden for the homeless.
That would mean, having no homelessness there at all.
But reality always replaces idealism and fantasy when
it comes to social questions and solutions about the
homeless. There is no golden answer or magical wad
 for the homeless even at Jerusalem The Golden.
Fraternally, Uncle Monty.
+4th Sunday After Epiphany, 2012.
Feedback & Comments
Homeless Big Issue Vendor
Found Dead Inside UK Police Cell.
By Alex Albion.
We have dead Polish Epileptic Big Issue vendor Andrzej
Rymarzak, 43, and UK police doctor Egyptian Muslim
 Hisham El-Baroudy, 56, who was cleared of criminal man-
slaughter last week in the 2009 police cell death of Rymar-
zak. But, what did they have in common? Send in your
own answers to: allaboutthebigissue@gmx.co.uk
The correct answer will be given shortly in my upcoming
article: "Tale of Two Foreigners Inside Broken
Down Britain."
Great Image Discovered Behind Demolished
 Building At London's Camberwell Road.
John Magumba: Unfit To Ever Be Called An Anglican
 Priest. He Should Never Have Been Allowed In The
Ministry for Starters. Next, He Should Be Promptly
Deported Back To Africa From Where He Came From
In Uganda Upon Finishing His UK Prison Sentence.
Only In England Do We Have Such Black
Criminals Like Magumba.
 Ugandian John Mugumba, now a criminal ex-Anglican
cleric (shown above), advised the Church of England on
 how to handle sham marriages has been jailed for two and
 a half years for conducting sham marriages of his own!!!
UK Murder Victims of Reverse Racism.
Black Death For Whites. By Alex Albion.
They talk about the Stephen Lawrence Murder inside
the UK. But they never talk about the death victims of
black-on-white crime nor of teenage black-on-black
 murder and street stabbings that never occurred until the
mass onslaught of millions of Africans came to the UK
 under despised and cunning socialist Tony Blair. For Eng-
lish whites, it's little more than mindless 'reverse racism'
by such blacks that ends in the deadly murder of white
folkz with some of them shown above. Yet, little or
nothing is being done or said about it ... In the meantime,
 more whites can expect to be murdered inside the UK by
such criminal and dangerous blacks, lawless immigrants,
violent Muslims, and/or heartless foreigners of every sort.
Such is the deadly cost and savage reality of the imposed
 multiculturalism and multiracialism inside Broken Down
Britain  by those bleeding heart liberals and hideous
 New Labour lefties that have turned the country upside-
down. With them, they've brought constant crude crime
waves of black and ethnic violence and mayhem as seen
only last year on the streets of London and elsewhere.
Yet, they still talk about the Stephen Lawrence Murder
as if such was the only UK murder or major crime
ever worth mentioning! It is NOT!!"
 And, Screams of Racism by new blacks
 are monotonously heard almost daily against whites
 inside the UK as the British news media constantly
back blacks while demonizing their own white folkz.
What's so special about such black troublemakers?
Why give them a public platform to scream racism
to always get their way at our expense? John Terry
 doesn't stand a chance nor does Emma West
nor did the defendents in the Stephen Lawrence
Murder case. They're convicted almost sight on
 seeing in the anti-white culture of the pro-black
news media and the leftist-made anti-racism laws
under New Labour that has criminalized white
people in the UK. It's time to repeal such laws
which were politically-instigated by Blair and his
communistic henchmen to create havoc against whites
who didn't agree with their  racial agenda to destroy
all things good and English before our very eyes. 
We're all now branded racists for speaking our
white minds!  But, speak it nevertheless!!
Savage Criminal Breast Tyree Lincoln Smith, 35.
He Ate The Human Brains & Eye of
Homeless Man He Had Axed & Killed.
By Uncle Monty.
Don't become homeless in America. For you might
just run into such a savage beast like 35 year old
Afro-American criminal Tyree Lincoln Smith of
Connecticut who not only axed to death a homeless
man, but he also decided he'd eat the dead man's
 brains and eye! Sure Smith is crazy, but that doesn't
excuse his savagery and criminality of what he did to
such a homeless and defenseless person. In any event,
it's truly scary! What next can we expect inside
murderous America?
Axe murderer 'killed a homeless man
with a hatchet and ate his brains and eye'
 ~ It's Now The 5,000th Hit ~
Just got my 5,000th hit at this my little blog that's
allaboutthebigissue! By commercial web standards, 5,000 
hits is absolutely nothing. But for a little blog like mine,
5,000 hits is quite amazing in such a short time of being
on the web against everything that the vile and greedy
sods John and Peter Bird of The Big Issue stand for and
their now dying enterprise that they've sucked dry and who
 have unashamedly exploited the homeless for the past 20
years to make The Bird Brothers stinking rich off the
 backs of the UK homeless.  I hope by the end of  2012, 
my hits will have reached at least twice the present
 numbers to hit 10,000 hits or more. Thankz to you all
 for your continuing support since my anti-Bird and anti-
Big Issue Issue blog hit the web. Please continue to
 visit as more and more stories are posted to expose the
 truth over the smoke and mirrors of the Big Issue con
 artists and their fat catz at the expense of the homeless
at each and every day inside the UK. Although The Big
Issue is now under the new ownership of Felix Dennis,
it is still treating the homeless vendors not much better
than the old Bird Brothers have ... Also, the question of
the mag's future survival is pretty shaky to say the least.
I hope I can write the LAST story of the complete and
utter demise of The Big Issue and its rotten and ruthless
Bird Brothers. We'll see!!!  But, please pray with me ...
Your's, Uncle Monty. January 30th, 2012. 
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Bugger Off.

Bugger Off You Foreign Buggers.
By Uncle Monty.
Images By David Hedges,
Howard Walker & Alex Albion.
On my first full day back in London after returning safely
from my three-week Middle East trip, the first story I
read on the internet this morning was about the outrageous
number of Romanians now flooding The Big Issue as
badged vendors all across the UK. Some one third of such
Big Issue vendors are now Romanians, who have stampeded
 all too many pitches of the local Big Issue homeless under
 the deliberate policy to replace them by hideous foreign
Romanians as part of the continuing socialist agenda of
 the rabid movers and shakers behind The Big Issue
England. Such a policy was first instigated by Pigface
Anthony John Bird, who has since retired at his old
age of 66 come this week.  Add, another "6" and it
would be "666" carved on his godless forehead ...
~ Latest Update ~
John Bird, by proxy, is perhaps the biggest
recipient of benefits this country has ever seen!
"As a Big Issue vendor for 14 years, now ex. The de-
bate seems too focussed on the Romanians and not on
 the fact that with most vendors living in some form of paid
accommodation and with average sales per vendor of less
than 40 mags almost without exception every Big Issue ven-
dor claims benefits. The difference between the Romanians
have to declare that they are selling the Issue to access
benefits. Home-grown vendors don't!"
"The biggest irony for me though, is the fact that John Bird is the
main supporter of the Sun's anti-benefit campaign and a staunch
 critic of the benefits system yet, by proxy with vendors spending
their benefits on his magazines, the majority of his wealth has been
derived from that very system. Mr Bird, by proxy, is perhaps the
biggest recipient of benefits this country has ever seen!"
Comment By Author Graham to
Jan. 24, 2012.
So in fact, there are so many other foreigners now flooding
and selling The Big Issue, aside from those vile Romanians
and gypsies, it is truly tanamount to the utter betrayal of
the home-grown English homeless while all the wretched
foreigners are badged in their favour over and above
those who are local UK homeless. The Big Issue In
The North is a major culprit under chief executive Fay
Selvan, who now aids and abets foreigners, gypsies and
Muslims to become vendors over and above the English. 
Gypsies. By Uncle Monty
Tory MP David Davies got it right when he said:
‘The Big Issue was set up to help the homeless, not as
 a racket to allow people to migrate over here so they
can play on people’s generosity and claim benefits. This
 is going to undermine trust in the magazine among the
public who want to help those in genuine need.’
 Right on, David!!
While earlier The Big Issue England, under the sods
John & Peter Bird, saw foreigners as a new source of
free labour ready to exploit them like that have the local
English homeless for years upon years while at the same
time making the Bird Brothers richer and richer off the
 backs off the homeless and marginalized inside the UK.
The rot is now so deep inside The Big Issue England
it is doubtful it can survive as English buyers refuse to
buy the magazine at pitches full of foreigners instead
of genuine local British homeless. The scandal of the
foreigners is just beginning as major news organizations
start to probe more deeply in the connections behind
the surge of foreigners taking over as Big Issue vendors.
The local English homeless have no protection from such
a foreign racket that will ultimately destroy The Big
Issue for good.  Not that it needs any more nails in
its already dying coffin ... All I can say is good
riddance and the quicker the better I say!
One of the best ways to teach The Big Issue a lesson
or two is to simply BOYCOTT it where ever you find
foreigners peddling such on the streets of the UK.
Also, refuse to give donations or "drops" to such
foreigners since many of them aren't truly homeless.
Find and reach out to British vendors and support
them as much as you can. Also, BOYCOTT all
Big Issue advertisers - be they for-profit or non-
profit - until such foreigners are depleted for
once and for all. Moreover, BOYCOTT
that stupid woman Fay Selvan!
Now Read The Full Daily Mail Story:
One-third of Big Issue sellers now Romanian: Job
 once reserved for Britain's homeless has been swamped
by Eastern European immigrants. And many of them
have homes AND claim benefits.
By Nick Constable.
Bugger Off Firuta Vasile.
Firuta Vasile: Romanian mother-of-four currently
claims £25,547.60 in benefits each year.
By Luke Salkeld.
Here Are More Foreign Romanians At The Big Issue.
Bugger Off Lina Petrea.
Bugger Off Stan Paulica.
Bugger Off Lucia Karpachi.
Bugger Off Monica Mihai.
The Big Issue In The North: Bugger Off!
"When I Complained, Romanians said I was racist - and
I was sacked (By The Big Issue In The North)," States
Now Debadged UK Big Issue Vendor Paul Kelly. Such
debadging is all part of the lawless attitude and manner
of The Big Issue, which did exactly the same to me under
the pretext of "bringing The Big Issue into disrepute." Paul
Kelly is yet another victim of the countless victims of such
shysters of which The Bird Brothers are the most rotten
and callous of them all ...
The Koran.
Here Is Also More Sobering News About Foreigners
Inside The UK That Odious New Labour Inflicted
Upon Us With Its Socialist Vengeance ... Our UK
prisons are now at a bursting point due to all the
criminal Muslims and lawless foreigners that have
 been allowed to stay and ruin our country with their
utter contempt and their non-stop crimes
against the British people.
THIRD of inmates at Feltham youth jail are Muslims...
 and more convert to get better food
And, Why Aren't Big Issue Vendors Also Paid For Advertising
 "FAIRHILLS"?  It Isn't Fair That The Big Issue Keeps All
The Money! But, Then Under Greedy John Bird &
His Fat Catz There's Never Been Anything Fair Under
Such Rotten Sods Like The Vile Bird Brothers.
Don't Buy The Big Issue England ... Never!
My Big Issue Badge No. 115 After 5 Years As
 A Vendor:  Now A Worthless Piece of Junk!
Due to the latest breaking news story about the
Romanians taking over as Big Issue vendors, I
have embargoed for now my story "Jerusalem
 Far From Golden For The Homeless."
By Uncle Monty.
Now Back At Homebase, Uncle Monty.
3rd Sunday After Epiphany, 2012.
Yes, my inboxes coudn't hack any more email
 from you all. Thankz ever so much for all the
messages of Xmas greetings & New Year wishes.
And, even Birthday wishes! How did any of you
 know it was my birthday? Someone must have
told you other than me ... Whatever, I will try to
answer most of your messages, if I can. But
starting with the Burns Dinner invitation tomorrow,
 I have a month full of other invitations to so many
other events. Some I will accept, others I will reject
simply due to conflict or time schedule. So now I'm
back to doing this year's blogging on my blogz.
Cheerz everybody, UM.
Feedback & Comments
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"Demolition Homeless"
Inside Palestine.
By Uncle Monty At Jericho.
West Bank Photos By Alex Albion.
Part 1 of 2.
Child abandonment and orphaned kidz are among the
pressing social problems inside Palestine today. Along with
 the situation of homelessness which has not only been created
 by the economic and societal climate and internal conditions
here, but also by the political and military actions against the
 Palestinians under the paranoid police State of Israel that so
cruelly and cynically demolishes peoples homes and thus mak-
ing them instantly homeless. Those Palestinians bulldozed out
of their own homes by the Israeli military and police apparatus
are called "Demolition Homeless." Such brutal tactics by the
 vicious Israelis borders on a kind of Fascism in my mind and
to which they as Jews themselves should know better about
 the evils of Fascism as past victims of the Nazi Holocaust.
As an English Anglican, I abhor such modern-day Israeli
 tactics as much as I do of raw Fascism from the past
along with vile anti-Semitism. With that said, I see no
reason why Israel shouldn't be severely criticized for
its injustice and ill-treatment of the Palestinians.
At Hebron, young disabled homeless sells or begs what
he can from passing motorists on the city's "High Street."
I spent some time at Bethlehem, Jericho, Ramallah, and
Hebron during my present intensive five-day stay at
Palestine. Ironically, there was very little visual evidence
of street homelessness at first.  And, the "Industry of 
Homelessness" was clearly absent unlike what we find
in the UK and USA in which a myriad of homeless
charities exist solely for the purported purpose of helping
the homeless. Nor does Palestine have any kind of home-
less publications for the homeless and poor to sell unlike
 that which is published in the UK under the heading of
The Big Issue England, which has made the Anglo-Irish
skunks John and Peter Bird stinking rich off the backs of
their ever exploited homeless. Nobody is going to get
rich off the backs of the homeless inside Palestine
 that's for sure!
He Doesn't Go To School, He Sells Hot Tea on the
Hebron street corner to support his parents, brothers
 and sisters. His parents were made "Demolition
Homeless" By The Israeli Malicious Milita.
Walking the garbage-filled streets of Palestine showed
almost no sights or sounds of the homeless or rough
sleepers that seemed to be invisible to the public eye from
what I could first see up front. I did bump into the occasional
street begger or small-time peddler but no hardcore
street people. Other than that, Palestinian high school
and college kidz would happily greet me and shake my
hand on the streets while asking me if I was an American!
When I told them I was British they reacted with glee.
And, they spoke English well with most of them being
Muslims rather than Christians, who are a given minority
inside Palestine as the Muslim population is growing
at an explosive rate.
Typical Palestine police car which displays PLO
Chairman & Palestinian National Authority President  
Mahmoud Abbas, who succeeded Yasser Arafat upon
his death in 2004.  There's little or no money for new
 infrastructure, but plenty for new police cars and goon
squads! While I saw UN Relief Agencies and the EU
providing road sweepers and garbage trucks to help
clean-up the streets of Palestine that still looked filthy.
I also visited the SOS Mobile Clinic for abandonend
and orphaned kids at Hebron to see what they perhaps
could tell me more about local homelessness. The
Christian staff lady at the clinic was rather vague about the
subject and said she thought the real problem of homelessness
 was in Bethlehem and Ramallah on the West Bank, which I
had already visitied. Speaking in halting English, she seemed
 to want to avoid making any comments that could be construed
as criticism of Israel's deliberate policy of creating
 "Demolition Homeless" - since the clinic is a non-political and
 non-sectarian charity that also runs several hundreds of Childrens'
 Villages around the world. The mobile clinic moves every 3
 or 4 months to a different location inside Palestine to primarily
help abandoned and orphaned kids. I did notice, however, that
 has I left the clinic an Islamic child agency right next door was
 packed with Muslim families getting free medical treatment and
free food for their children! While, the SOS clinic then looked
 rather dead ...
An Israeli 30ft High Concrete Barricade At Bethlehem.
One hardly sees any Israeli Orthodox Jews visiting Palestine.
The yellow car plates are those of the Jews, while the green
and white car plates are those of Palestinian Muslims
and Christians. They are not allowed to drive outside
of Palestine with such green and white car plates. If they
try, it is likely they'll be shot dead at any Israeli checkpoint
 at sight on seeing ... The life of a Palestinian seems worthless
 compared to the life of an Israeli. And under Israel's rule
of its ever growing  ironfist , the people of Palestine are
moving closer each day to living in conditions of
 concentration camps created by the paranoia of the Jews.
In the meantime, Palestinian homelessness is growing
more and more behind Israel's wanton barricades and
armed checkpoints. So does the vexing problem of child
 abandonment and orphaned kidz inside Palestine.
Welcome To Palestine & Bethlehem.
All Over Palestine, The Israeli Defense Forces (ISF)
Operate Guntowers, 30ft-High Concrete Barricades,
Massive Security Checkpoints, and Thousands of Armed
Soliders To Control The Movement of Palestinians. The
 Israeli Seizure Mentality is Literally Everywhere.
Christian Wedding Shop At Depressed Hebron.
While Journeying Across the Middle East, I Stopped To Record
 This Scene of Rurality To Be Found in Parts of Palestine.
In part 2, I will show you some of the evidence of homeless-
ness at Israel's disputed capital of Jerusalem. I spent only a
little time at Tel Aviv, which alot of folkz still think is the
capital.  Whatever, I am told Tel Aviv is where the problem
of homelessness exists more than anywhere else among the
 8 million population of Israel, especially among the African
refugees - many of them being Black Jews - that have hit
 the Jewish State as part of the worldwide 85 million African
  Diaspora that is flooding all too many countries of late in-
 cluding the UK and Europe.  Unwanted and scrounging
Africans now swamp, blight, and propagate, the four
corners of the world!!
Part 2 is entitled: "Jerusalem Is Far From Golden For
The Homeless." It is also where the despised Tony
 Blair hopz, skipz and jumpz around as the so-called
 'Peace Envoy,' who the Palestinians utterly detest and
who was in Jerusalem while I myself was there ...
Truly, Uncle Monty At Jericho.
+2nd Sunday After The Epiphany, 2012.
By Uncle Monty.
At Jericho 10,000 Inside Palestine.
Israeli high court upholds law limiting
Palestinians living with Israeli spouses.
EU on verge of abandoning hope for a viable Palestinian
state. Israel's foreign ministry denied that Israeli settlers
were taking water resources from the West Bank.
By Donald Macintyre at Jerusalem.
Feedback & Comments:
Some Upcoming Stories by Uncle Monty for 2012:
1) Jerusalem Is Far From Golden For the Homeless.
2) Tell Me, Graham, It Isn't So!  Downfall of My
Generous Big Issue Donors Richard Graham
Simkin & His Wife Zakia Sharif.
3) All Downhill All The Way:
The Economist  Report on The Big Issue.
4) The Big Issue Sucked Dry By Pigface
Anthony John Bird & His Fat Cronies.
5) For The Upcoming 1,000th  Edition of The
 Big Issue in May, 2012  - Almost A Doomed
Celebration, Ah? Yep, yep!!
6) Joe Gammie's Self-Serving Homeless
Charity Comments.
Should we be giving money to the homeless?
By Jack Hewson.
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