
Considering. By Uncle Monty.

Considering The Big Issue.
By Uncle Monty.
Graphics By Alex Albion.
Their silence is deafening at The Big Issue
since pathetic Peter Bird and joyless John Bird
illegally suspended me for “bringing the Big Issue
into disrepute.” Whatever, let’s go head so that I
can now raise more questions considering
The Big Issue. So, here we go ....

Considering The Big Issue is owned and operated
by a self-confessed, ex-criminal. Considering one of
The Big Iusse’s favourite pets is a lass with almost
100 criminal convictions to her name and who has
publicly met then Prime Minister Gordon Brown at
No. 10 with John Bird and his picked fancy fans; she
met David Cameron, too, who is now the British Prime
Minister, and the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
Considering The Big Issue is known to have 3,000
London street vendors of which some third of them,
or around a 1000 of them, have allegedly either
criminal records or have been in prison or on
probation or have had ASBOs or were imposed
with community service sentences by
the British courts.
So I wonder why on earth Peter and John
Bird are now acting all so "Holy & Thou"
towards me? And, whose past American sins
were callously revealed by America's "Kook of
The Year." Why have they signaled and singled
me out considering The Big Issue isn't full of
sinless folkz from the top to the bottom of the
Bird street publication that is sold weekly on
the open and cold streets the UK.
The answer is they decided to victimize me
with the aid and abetting of the Colorado cunt
and his intent to destroy my life. All that the
Bird Brothers have now done is to try to de-
stroy my English life like the Colorado kook
did by viciously hounding and stalking my
then American life since 1996. As of last count,
the same "cleric" cunt sent over 3,000, yes
3,000, menacing e-mails to me. Now, he's
started on my English life with the help of the
Bird Brothers! "A gift from a bad man, brings no
good," and that's exactly what the unconvicted
criminal cyber stalker of Loveland, Colorado,
has brought for Peter and John Bird and The
Big Issue. Beware, too, that the same Loveland
bogus bishop calls himself a "Press Officer" by
sending out threatening e-mails on behalf of
his empty and paper "Episcopal" Church. He
is no more a real Press Officer, than I am a
one-legged Muslim ... Oh, and before I forget,
the kook also hates the English at every step.
The So-Called "Guru" of UK Homelessness.
Considering The Big Issue has already lost £25,000
for what it has done to me. And, my full story about
that will go online in couple of weeks or so, if I en-
counter no further legal hitch to reveal such. I am
hoping, too, that I can also stop another major gift
from coming The Big Issue way.
Considering The Big Issue has ignored over 1,000
people in their support of my public petition to be
restored to my rightful pitch of five years at
London's Long Acre outside of Cafe Nero. The
Big Issue believes it is legally immuned thanks
to the free legal advice from Charles Russell and
Doughty Street Chambers. But the Bird Brothers
may in the end be in for a rude legal shock sooner
or later, if they continue to ignore the obvious.
Considering The Big Issue has violated my human
and legal rights with utter contempt. Considering
The Big Issue's vile brothers Peter and John Bird
have also dismissed my civil and protected rights
under both European Union and British laws.
Considering The Big Issue has thrown alway all
of my good and many customers with utter im-
punity by its unjust and disgusting “suspension”
of me as a Big Issue vendor even though I com-
mitted no crime or offences on or off my pitch!
Considering Peter and John Bird have thrown
away my pitch of five years standing to satisfy
their own sense of bloated self-importance and
naked lawlessness.
Considering The Big Issue has acted in a totally
arbitrary and capricious manner against me.
Considering The Big Issue has discarded my
vendor life and vunerable status as sheltered-
house pensioner at their utter whim.
Considering The Big Issue is continuing
purposely ignore my public protests has
if I don’t even humanly exist.
Considering Peter and John Bird have dismissed
absolutely the pleas of my friends and good
customers for The Big Issue to simply lift
my suspension and give me back my pitch.
Considering The Big Issue provides no
in-house process for vendors like me to appeal
the Bird Brothers' unjust and revengeful decision
to take away our pitches at the drop of a hat!
Pathetic Peter Bird!
Please continue to sign my online petition.
All you need do is simply write your name
in the subject line and then send. Your
e-mail address will not be disclosed.
Thankz for your support!!
Considering The Big Issue goes on and on. I
will suffice for now on many other comments
in considering what The Big Issue has done
not only to me but to other vendors over the
years ... Some of what I have been told
amount to pure horror stories from some
vendors who have contacted me since
the start of this my new blog that is
all about The (REAL) Big Issue.
Your Feedback or To Post A Blog Message:
Here's The "Guru" Himself!
"Dear Uncle Monty, Where on earth did the word
"DEBADGED" come from? Never heard of such a word
before. It's a strange use of the English language.
Look, I have also been following the big issue saga
re - you. And, that bogus bishop and "Kook of the
Year, 1996" in Loveland, Colorado, who set in motion
all your troubles with big issue. I am so disappointed
with John Bird being an ex-criminal himself for bending
his knee to that kook. None of us are angels including
myself who served time in prison like John Bird did.
Reading the things you are alleged to have done in the
States should have no impact on what you do (or did) at
your patch. The kook is wallowing in your misfortune
as usual. I don't believe big issue has done you right.
Be sure Uncle Monty to stand up for your rights (which
you seem capable of doing) while it seems John Bird,
the whole of big issue, and the kook in Colorado, have
contemptuously violated. I am sure you have a good
law case to sue the socks of them. The more I have
read about your 'suspension', the more I am convinced
you've been blackened by their gross conspiracy to
destroy you. Hang in there; you might overcome them
one way or another. I shall be watching carefully the
outcome of your case against John Bird and that kook".
Ex-con, with Ph.D., Prison Badge
No. 213-703-9118A.
Following this latest story, I have now almost
completed my next one about the murdered
Big Issue vendor Ralph Millward entitled:
"Crocodile Tears." By Uncle Monty.
Alive and angry, Uncle Monty.
+Eighth Sunday after Trinity, 2010.
White Funeral Day - The Full Story.
(To Enlarge Any Image, Just Double Click On It)
~ Please note that I do NOT solicit or accept donations
or paid advertising for any of my world blogs ~


Debadged. By Uncle Monty.

Debadged or Not! By Uncle Monty.
Story Photos By Jill Ferguson, Wilfred
Wong, Miles I'Anson, & Alex Albion.
Sure, it was lovely to be back again at my old
Big Issue pitch on London's Long Acre after my
five-year pitch was closed down by the vile decision
of Peter and John Bird to suspend me for "bringing
The Big Issue into disrepute." Such is the catch-all
rule used against vendors at the whim and will of
The Big Issue Bird Brothers. Their "suspension" of
me is illegal and has no legal validity against me
until a court of law rules whatever which way for
me or The Big Issue. Thus, legal counsel informs
me of such and on that basis I have now freely
acted accordingly as seen today by the use my
pitch to once again sell The Big Issue that I
most certainly see no reason why I shouldn't.
Or whether I am a vendor who is "debadged or
not!" by the nasty ilk of The Bird Brothers.
But for now, back at my pitch I was today and so
enjoyed every minute of it as old friends and good
customers were surprised to see me again. In fact,
I spent two extra hours beyond my planned time
to set-up and sell my wholesale supply of the
latest edition of The Big Issue, No. 906.
Two of my good friends held the banners high.
Aside from the fact that the front cover of No.
906 was one of the worst Big Issue covers I've
seen in a good while, I still finally sold out with
some good profit for me, too, after being deprived
of making an honest dime for the past 8 weeks
since the callous Bird Brothers conspired to get rid
of me all because of some notorious sham bishop
and unconvicted international criminal cyber
stalker at America's State of Colorado who has
gleefully and viciously told them tales of
every horror supposedly about me!!
Another good friend did the honours, too, for me!
One of the last things that Big Issue's distributor
Sam Woolock asked of me was whether I was
then "debadged or not?" I told her, before she
then called the police on me behind my back,
that as far as I knew I was merely suspended
but for how long I wasn't told by ruthless Peter
Bird since he said he needed to conduct "an in-
vestigation" of me to which I would then be told
further matters regarding his suspenion of me.
Needless to say, I've not heard a dickey bird
back from either little honcho Peter Bird
or from his big honcho brother John Bird.
I consider at this point that whatever period
of suspension I have had, I have now served
that after 8 long weeks for whatever reason (s)
The Big Issue saw fit to do what it has already
done to me. Perhaps all they want to do is like
the sham bishop and who has literally tried to
throw away my life and Christ-being all to
satisfy whatever fits his own brand of hatred
toward me ... I am long ago immuned to
whatever the bastard says about me.
I simply don't care anymore ...
Yet another good friend also came and did
public honour for me right next to my pitch.
I am sure that I am the first Big Issue vendor
who decided to go back to his or her pitch whe-
ther he or she is "debadged or not." The term
"debadged" is based on The Big Issue taking
away a vendor's badge that he or she must
wear while selling on the street or at an
assigned pitch. The badge has a crude mug-
shot of the vendor with a badge number and
Big Issue seal. Every six-months the badge
number of the vendor is updated and a new
colour one is issued for the new badge. Non-
Big Issue badges are bogusly printed by rogue
sellors across the country. Genuine badges are
sometimes lost or stolen or sold and then used
by street people who have themselves either
been unjustly suspended or refused a badge for
whatever reasons or who don't want to go to the
hassle of signing-up to become a badged vendor.
My badge is No. 115 and I started out five years
ago with the No. 2669. Always remember, too, it
doesn't matter how long you've been with The
Big Issue, they'll shaft you on the spot and have
no sense of loyalty even though they demand
the vendor give loyalty to The Big Issue ...
Today was a very good day for me. Even though
I still see no light at the end of The Big Issue
tunnel for me, I will continue to do further public
protests against the unjust Peter and John Bird.
I have other surprises instore for them and I
don't care if they get even more mad against me.
Once they take some positive steps to rightfully
restore me to my Long Acre pitch, then I will not
let up on writing all I can about them and their
Big Issue. I've lost what I had at The Big Issue,
so until I gain it back again then in my loss I
can only contain my deep anger against Peter
and John Bird by my pen that is mightier than
the sword. I cry, while my enemies rejoice!
But one day, I shall rejoice against The Bird
Brothers and most especially against that
sham bishop of Yankee hate. Mark my
words, my dear ones!! And that will come
whether I am "debadged or not!"
Over 1,000 people have now sign my
petition either "live" or online to have my
Big Issue pitch rightfully restored to me:
In the subject line write your name only.
Your e-mail address will not be disclosed.
I fight the good fight with
all my might, Uncle Monty.
+St. Gregory, 2010.
"Considering The Big Issue" is the next story by Uncle
Monty here at allaboutthebigissue.blogspot.com
Then Came Billie, who is pictured below ...
Read All About "Democracy Village," too.
{ To enlarge any image, simply click on it! }


Dead Bird. By Graham Walker.

Dead Bird Walking. By Graham Walker.
Part 2 of 2. Edited By Uncle Monty.
Story Graphics By Alex Albion.
I was appalled on behalf of all other vendors who, as
‘unreliable’ as they are, have, over the past 18 years,
stood on the streets braving the elements, subsequent-
ly lining your pockets with nugget. I was then angered
that as a Big Issue vendor myself for 15 years, you
were getting personal, you were also talking about me!
I myself have been one of your "unreliable" vendors
for 15 years. I have been so unreliable as a big Issue
vendor that I have raised £65,000 for various charities
(including £2000 for the Big Issue Foundation) and,
without going into detail, I’ve been even more unreliable
than that! And then, lost in my own achievements, for
me, guiltily too late, my thoughts turned to the many
friends I’ve lost on ‘Big Issue street’. Although you
never met them, although you’re not even aware
of their existence, to you, they were no more than
an expendable, unreliable workforce. Well I can tell
you Mr Bird, having known intimately, each one of
them, they were nothing less than wonderfully
reliable friends and vendors who are now, each
of them, ‘reliably’ dead.
So in memory, and speaking on behalf, of Pete,
Myles, Debs, Carol, Dan, Graham two ties, Craig,
Pontoon Steve, Geoff, Geordie John, Fluffy Mark,
Helen and Gillespie, and to the many I never
got to know . . .
"How dare you!”
Mr. Bird. I’m sorry if this article is a little heavy,
but it’s made so by the leadened bricks of irony you’ve
littered throughout. Yes, ironically, without the brazenly
dressed, beer swigging students, the posh g its who can’t
write proper, the violent, uncultured working class,
many of whom buy the Big Issue. Without the homeless
drug addicts, the alcoholics, the feckless, the scumbags
and the most unreliable workforce on God’s earth who
sell it. Without the charities who often pay good dollar to
advertise in it. Without the soup runs, agencies, churches
and charities such as Shelter, Crisis and the Salvation
Army who support, house, feed and often repair the
homeless, in many instances, ensuring vendors are still
capable of standing on the streets to sell your magazine.
Without each of these, the Big Issue wouldn’t survive!
And the biggest irony for me is, if the welfare state; the
benefits system, you are so, so derisory of, were to shut
up shop first thing tomorrow morning, The Big Issue Co.
Ltd. and you too Mr Bird, would be no more than five
minutes behind it! Yes, on behalf of my dear, dead
friends, and indeed on behalf of your mentally and
physically damaged, (‘irresponsibly dead’) ex-soldier.
How dare you!
A. John Bird's Nude Sketch That Fetched
Over 300 Quid For Charity Last Year.
John bird on students:
“I live near a university. All the women students
walk around with their tits hanging out and the
guys wear baseball caps backwards swigging
from beer bottles.”
John Bird on soup runs:
“Soup runs keep people ON the streets
rather than helping them off.”
What the hell are you thinking of John?
Having had a suck at rough sleeping yourself,
you know full well that this has always been a
sworn secret, sacrosanct amongst the homeless
community; an enigma that academia has
scratched it’s head at for millennia, i.e., why do
people sleep rough?. And now you’ve gone
and told the whole world and it’s blinkin’ dog!
Talk about whistle-blowing. What you’ve done
is akin to the president of the magic circle reveal-
ing the ‘sawing a woman in half’ trick on live TV.
It’s worse than someone in the know, selling
Banksy’s true identity to the Daily Mail for a few
shekels. So well done you Mr Bird, the secret is
now out. The game’s up! Yes indeed, the motive
behind people sleeping rough on the streets of
Britain, risking abuse, death from hypothermia
or being beaten senseless by a drunken mob is
down to the mug of lukewarm minestrone
they get handed late at night!
John Bird on Charities:
“We need to stop our conscience-salving donations
to Shelter and Crisis.” “The government and
charity's actions combine to keep people mired in
their “Christmas help seems to me, a desperate
act.” (Politea (right wing think tank)
Christmas address).
“The Big Issue is not a charity, it’s a business ...
I didn’t want to do a charity because
charities piss me off.”
Response from Jamie McCoy ... I spent 30 years on
and off the streets and I entirely disagree with what
Mr. Bird says. Yes, there are lots of homeless charities,
but they are all trying different things. One charity
paid for me to learn to read and write. Another
charity provided a hostel and then a permanent
home, an outreach team helped me to manage my
finances and keep my place clean, and I learnt cooking
skills at a centre for the homeless. The way forward
is to fund prevention of our drug culture, not saying
stupid things about homeless charities.
Tim, 32. Homeless, He remembers COC (Crisis
Open Christmas) “It’s been a salvation as I’ve been
depressed about Christmas. It’s like having a new
family. It makes you remember how kind some
people are, it reminds me what life could be like.”
John Bird on the welfare state:
“It exists because you could never trust the
working class to put a bit of money aside for
their kids education, or put a bit aside for their
health.” “Social security is criminal, insane,
a new form of slavery. It ensures people stay in
poverty."“The social security is the biggest
bug bear that’s ever been deposited on the
lives of the poor.”
The Big Issue UK Headquarters at London's Vauxhall.
With average Big Issue sales per vendor of less than
40 magazines per week (earnings £30), with a large
proportion of vendors living in bedsits, hostels and
temporary housing, with living costs of £150+, it
doesn’t take an abacus to work out that the over-
whelming majority of vendors are reliant on benefits:
‘Enslaved with the insane bug-bear of social security!’
Yes, the vast majority of vendors are victims, inextri-
cably locked into the benefits system you abhor. And
ironically, through purchasing ‘Issues’ from you (John
Bird), vendors do, by proxy, turn you into perhaps
the largest recipient of Social Security benefits in
the country!
John Bird on entrepreneurism:
“... for some people who start selling the Big Issue,
it gives them the chance to spend yet more bad
money to put into their arms or down their throat.
What we have to realise about entrepreneurism is
that there’s always plusses and minuses ... one guy
I heard of, left the British army, had severe mental
health and physical problems, had spent a lot of
time causing himself ‘grief’, then sold the Big Issue.
He worked for us for six months and then died!
The thing about the Big Issue is, it’s an opportunity
but, it’s also about people taking responsibility for
themselves. And if they don’t take that responsibility,
if they don’t have the social structures and support
system, they may well die. What I’m trying to sell is
the life and death reality of social entrepreneurism.”
These two articles has been written because I am
saddened and totally wearied at the constant derision
and scorn Mr. Bird continues to pour on everything and
everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute
to his personal standing, wealth and well-being. In so do-
ing, also dispelling the popular misconception that Dr. A.
John Bird MBE. BA. Hons. the ’co-founder’ of The Big
Issue, is the authoritative spokesman on homelessness.
Although he describes himself as the ‘self-confessed’
representative for the homeless community, as a ‘long-
standing’ Big Issue man; a fully paid-up member of that
community, I, along with many others, find that the maj-
ority of Mr. Bird’s views on the homeless, the solution to
homelessness, and society in general, bear little resem-
blance to the reality I have witnessed over the last twenty
years. This article is not written as a sleight on The Big
Issue, it’s core ‘intentions’, and most definitely not it’s
vendors and the homeless community at large.
These two articles (have also) been written because
I have rarely in life stood up to be counted, rarely in
life spoken out against injustice. It’s, in the main, been
a life-time perched comfortably on the fence. Now,
in the enviable position of having nothing, enviable
because I therefore have nothing to lose, it would
be remiss of me not to fling wide open this window
of opportunity to, at last, let fly my opinions and
air my responses to Mr Bird’s often outlandish
comments and often bigoted views.
I’ll leave the last word to Mr. Bird:
“I have always had a belief in myself. It is almost
delusional-as though I had been sent here to save
the world ... Religion won’t save us, even if it is
of the secular variety. You are better off in the
hands of imperfect people like me who create
something usable than the hollow hands of those
who are looking forward to the day when we
all wake up to true Socialism.”
The 10 Reference Quotes Herein Are Availabe
Upon Request. Your Feedback Is Also Welcomed.
"The Birds (Peter & John) Are Circus Freaks."
Alex Albion.
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Dead. By Graham Walker.

Dead Bird Walking.
Part 1 of 2.
By Graham Walker.
Edited By Uncle Monty.
Story Graphics By Alex Albion.
As a celebrity, these days much of Mr (A. John)
Bird’s income is derived from inspirational talks at
business seminars and after-dinner speeches.
Having witnessed him performing, he’s good,
damn good!
His introduction usually starts off by disabling his
audience with a sharp, verbal, power-pointed C.V.
that includes his short stint in an orphanage, his
childhood, his spell on the streets, his fraudulence,
his thuggery, his criminal background, finishing
with his social rebirth and via the Big Issue, his
entrepreneurial renaissance.
This not only leads his now receptive listeners to fully
appreciate his earthy origins but also his pseudo-
altruistic approach to helping the homeless, or in
business terms - how to get blood out of a stone!
I can only describe John Bird as an orator of merit;
aggressively elegant, mockingly mischievous,
an entertainer, a showman, a ‘shockjock.’
He delivers in an authoritative, passionate-bordering
on (the) desperate, ‘I’d sell me own muvver’ sort
of style. And although most of his speeches are sadly
tainted with statistically dubious content, this is more
than compensated by peppering them
with right
wing, beat ‘em into submission–type rhetoric,
which invariably leaves the audience
absolutely spellbound.
Now there may be some criticism levied at me that,
in this article, I might be cherry-picking certain state-
ments and also perhaps, I have taken Mr. Bird’s quotes
out of context. The first might indeed contain a nano of
truth. The second? You decide. These, after all,
are not my statements, they are those of Mr Bird.
Known as "TheBigIssueMan," Graham Walker
is decidedly anti-Big Issue and anti-John Bird.
John Bird on the class system:
I have been very unfortunate to marry into
posh families - three times - and I was
astonished at how they wrote so badly.” °
“I’m middle class. I got out of the working class
as quick as I could. The working class is violent and
abusive, they beat their wives and I hate their culture!

A psychiatrist once told me, ‘I’ve never once got
an Englishman to admit he’s middle-class’.”
As the owner of The Big Issue company, Mr Bird is
more aware than most, of the prejudice, misconceptions
and generalisations the homeless have to contend with
on a daily basis. I’m absolutely certain he’s savvy and
intelligent enough not to fall into that old trap.
Consequently, I think it’s safe to assume he’s talking
fact and knows intimately, each and every one of the
(estimated 15 million) ‘violent, uncultured’
working class.
“Products such as Carlsberg Special brew are
destroying the lives of problem drinkers. . . .
The firms that brew these lagers are a despicable
bunch of thugs.”
(Mr Bird reminiscing on the Big Issue’s first
Christmas when they held a party for its vendors
in the crypt of St-Martin-in the–Fields.)
“My brother (Peter Bird?) brought in 400 cans of
Special Brew. It was the most unbelievably maddest
office Christmas party I’ve ever been to. It took
seven hours to get everyone out. St Martin's said
we were an embarrassment to those who wanted
to help the homeless.”
John Bird on John Bird:
“Whether it’s burglary, just bluffing my way through,
or really making it, I have experienced getting away
with it in a variety of fields and know how to teach
others to do the same.”
“I’m a bit like Jesus Christ.”
“I’m an annoying geezer.”
John Bird: Yet, Another
UK "Champagne Socialist."
John Bird on Politicians:

“. . . the white, middle-class, liberals like Shirley

Williams and all those other mother-f**kers. I

absolutely loathe them. They stole from from

the poor and called it Social Security.”

“I’m a bit like Maggie Thatcher. . . . Norman

Tebbit introduced me to her.”

John Bird on the Big Issue:
“I started the Big Issue for the scumbags, the people

who would creep into your home at night and rob you,

the people who would sell you a piece of their ass if you

wanted it. The Big Issue is more revolutionary than

Engells, Lenin, Stalin, or Trotsky; they didn’t know

what they were talking about.”

John Bird on conflict:
The only way to get some peace is after a good

war. I hate peaceniks. Is there peace in Northern

Ireland? Yes, because a lot of people died.

Was there peace after Hitler?

Yes, it was paid for in dead soldiers.”

John Bird on Family:
“There are only a handful of people like me in Britain . . .

I have a future, not like my elder brothers who are either

dead through drink or drugs or living in high rise hells on

the edge of town, hating blacks and Jews. F**king scumbags.

I’ve got nieces and nephews who I’d speak to in a foreign

accent so they wouldn’t know it was me if they rang up.”

John Bird on the homeless:

“They are feckless, unreliable ... scumbags.

Addicts who are unable to wash or

feed themselves. They should be sectioned ...

put behind bars if necessary.”


John Bird in Big Issue vendors:

“They are the most unreliable workforce on God’s earth”.

Let me say: How dare you! Of course they’re unreliable!

They’re “addicts, feckless, scumbags!” What on ‘God’s

Earth’ do you expect? Vendors arriving at the office at

8.55 am, dressed in a natty suit, starched shirt, a neatly

folded copy of The Times tucked under their arm and a

muesli and orange juice breakfast nestling comfortably

in their stomachs, all eager to put in an eight

hour shift on the streets?

John Bird on the poor:
“I don’t give a f**k for the poor.”


Next: Part Two of Graham Walker's "Dead Bird Walking."

Edited By Uncle Monty. http://thebiggerissue.org/

John & Peter Bird Not Found, Of Course, Among
London’s 1,000 Most Influential People.


14 (From 0 to 13) Reference Quotes Herein

Are Available Upon Request:



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Boycott Peter & John Bird of The
Big Issue ~ It's Long Overdue.
By Uncle Monty.
Blog Graphics & Photograbs
By Alex Albion.
(Re-Indexed From http://thebiggerissue.org/)
“You know, it’s a known fact that (The) Big Issue
attracts old-criminals, old communists, and those
from no good Labour and things like that, ” said
Minnie Darcy, who has boycotted the weekly
street magazine for the past 18 months or so ...
“Have you thought of banning them, I mean those
pair?,” she asked me out of the blue after never
thinking of doing such myself until what she had
fittingly suggested to me. The “pair,” she was re-
ferring to was, of course, Peter and John Bird.
“They’ve ban you, so why not do them a favour?
Why not ban them like they have you?,” the lady said
almost defiantly against the Bird Brothers herself.
“They’ve ignored your protest against them I bet,”
she intuitively observed. Minnie and I have seen one
another at my Big Issue pitch from past years. Upon
until now, she’d never expressed her own personal
antipathy toward the Big Issue brothers until she
learned that I myself had been unjustly removed by
them after 5 years as a badged Big Issue vendor at
London’s Covent Garden. She raged against them
and the more vehemently against the Big Issue
honcho John Bird, who she said she’d seen around
the place in the past but not of any recent dates.
That’s because, I explained to her, he’s now seques-
tered in so-called semi- retirememt , if you will, up
at Cambridge. While his little honcho brother Peter
Bird now mostly manages The Big Issue H.Q.
at London’s Vauxhall in his absence.
“If they finally let you back, then you can lift
your ban against the pair since they would have
done the same to you by no longer banning you
from The Big Issue," Minnie couldn't have put
it any better than she did. I asked her: "Do you
mean I should boycott the pair?" She looked
at me ruefully for a moment and exploded -
YES!!! That's what those two BUGGERS
need ...," almost cursing now at the Bird
pair was loud Minnie Darcy.
Her 30-year son had gone to prison (for what she
didn’t say). He then lost his misses, his kidz, and
his big lorry job. Finally, he started drifting on
the streets and soon became completely homeless
and jobless in less than two years. He slept rough
for awhile and got sick. At that point, she lost touch
with him and learned from time to time that he
was probably selling The Big Issue somewhere up
country. Last year in January he finally contacted
his mum again, who immediately put him up and he
is now in skills training to become a plumber’s mate.
When his mum asked him if he’d been a Big Issue
vendor, he confirmed that he had been on and
off for about three years.
"Did they help you?," his mum asked him point blank.
‘”NO, they're only WANKERS,”’ came his impolite
reply to his mom. She was shocked and disgusted
with The Big Issue and since then she has boycott
the weekly street paper published by The Bird
Brothers. She nevertheless regularly supports her
local individual Big Issue vendor. Still, she refuses
to buy the weekly. “I cannot buy The Big Issue
after they did nothing to help my son off the
street,” said Minnie in a sharp condemnatory
tone all of her own.
Looking much older than her mid-50’s, Minnie
Darcy (not her real name, I should add) insisted
she sign my petition to be given back my pitch that
has unjustly been yanked from under me by The
Big Issue’s Big Bird Brothers for quote on quote
“bringing The Big Issue into disrepute.”
Now at the beginning of the seventh week of Peter
Bird's arbitrary and capricious suspension of me,
there is no sign of any reconcilitation or any kind
of negotiated settlement between us in order
to avoid a costly and long court fight against the
callous actions and injustice by Peter and John Bird.
The good Lord works in mysterious ways, so I am
still not fazed, although patently angry, at the Bird
Brother’s contemptuous attitude and their unbend-
ing proclivity to be a chavalier law unto themselves.
My planned peaceful public protest for today –
which would have been my Day 4 Protest – has
been re-scheduled due to my doctor's appointment
this morning and possibly now undergoing heart
surgery that I have been putting-off for sometime
now. Such surgery wouldn't take place until the
earliest in January, 2011, if I such survive any
kind of heart attack or stroke between then and
now. Also, at noon today, I'll be witnessing some
thing of great interest to me personally. I'll tell
you all about that at close of my full story:
My planned public protests against The Big
Issue are, of course, still set to go ahead through-
out the summer and fall, if no resolution is found
between me and them. Right now, it's looking very
bleak and dismal to get my rightful Big Issue pitch
back due to all the damage and bad stuff now in-
flicted on me by the employees and backers
of Peter and John Bird against me.
I have now also received my first job offer since
my illegal suspension by vile Peter Bird himself.
I have no desire to hold a 9 to 5 job, although I
was pleased and surprised to get such a job offer
to work writing ads scripts for a small advertising
company whose boss is a good friend of mine. The
only job that would interest me is to do news photo-
graphy on a freelance basis ... such an offer would
be more than welcome! I could even do that, if my
Big Issue pitch is rightfully restored to me by
The Bird Brothers.
Many of my old friends and regular Big Issue
customers are still unaware of what has happened
or about my present plight with The Big Issue.
Even Contessa Maria doesn’t know since she’s on
her around-the-world cruise until September and
it’s doutbfully I can get hold of her until then at the
earliest to help provide me the financial support
needed by me to hire legal counsel against The
Big Issue. I knew when we were in Moscow, that
she was to leave the next day from New York
on her world sea voyage and that she’s be out
of reach until she shows up again in mid-
September. By that time, who knows what
the legal status will be between me
and The Big Isse’s Bird Brothers.
So no Maria right now for me, then sometime
in the future she will be there again for me
without a doubt. Although she has long wanted
me to give up my Big Issue pitch at London's
Long Acre, she’ll no doubt be disgusted at the
way it has been forcefully taken from me
without any due process or by any process of
appeal. Once she finds out, all hell will be let
loose on Peter and John Bird for what they
have unjustly done to me ... Don't fear, how-
ever, since more of my planned public and
private protests are on the way all throughout
the summer and the fall against The Big Issue.
One thing is certain, however, she'll never
directly speak to them or contact them by
any other means since she has no love or
respect per se for The Big Issue itself, so
she has repeatedly declared to me when-
ever the topic of John Bird is mentioned.
She has also repeatedly told me: "Look here
Monty, I don't want you on the street. You
have to deal with all those nasty people
you meet. Some I am sure will want to
rob you. That's not good. I don't like you
there since I am sure a good many of them
are dreadful types of people ...," fretted
Contessa Maria. Then I would tell her:
"But, Maria, my dear, that's where I
first met you on the street!! She then
swollowed her own words as I laughed
at her obvious and inverted snootiness
aside from her genuine worry and concern
for my personal safety as a Big Issue vendor.
Particularly, when some one like defenseless
Ralph Millward, the murdered and harmless
Big Issue vendor, who was savagely kicked to
death by some young British yobs at his own
Big Issue pitch for refusing to give them a
stogie. Bring back, at the least, the judicial
birch and school cane I say to teach such
yobs how to properly behave before they are
allowed to run amok with their murderous
behaviour and dangerous criminality.
Did you know John Duffy at Glasgow when Peter
Bird was also there with Scotland Big Issue? If so,
please contact this blogger - Uncle Monty -
UPDATED: When John Duffy, shown above, con-
tacted me last night concerning the "666" added by
me to the name tag around his neck he was pretty
upset with me. I told him that the purpose of the
"666" was not to insult him but rather to call attention
to the issue at hand - regarding Peter Bird when the
were both up at Scotland together. The result has
brought four responses thus far plus John Duffy's.
Had I not purposely put "666," I suspect I wouldn't
have heard from Duffy or the four others who
have been most helpful toward me. The power
of symbols and words always amazes me and
that's why I use such whenever I can.
Once he requests the removal of the "666," I
will go ahead with my pardon to him. An Anglican,
John Duffy has been for years a close and faithful
ally of big honcho John Bird and little honcho Peter
Bird. Most interesting, however, was Duffy's sur-
prising revelation to me that he no longer works
for The Big Issue that saw him first as homeless,
then as street vendor, then as Big Issue supervisor,
then as the Big Issue international business manager
with an office at its London H.Q at Vauxhall, then
as The Scotland Big Issue manager with vile Peter
Bird up at Glasgow, then as the holder of The
Big Issue franchise for Surrey (where he lives),
and then now his odd departure from what most
considered to be his close work with his big buddies
The Big Bird Brothers. My impression is that there
has been a recent and continuing drain of Big Issue
old-timers leaving The Big Issue either under du-
ress or because they're sick and tired of Peter and
John Bird or the job itself. So John Duffy has now
gone and so has this "pervo" Uncle Monty ... thanks
to Peter and John Bird who suspended me from
my five-year old Covent Garden pitch by their
arbitrary and callous actions against me. One
vendor friend of mine told me today on the
Strand that what has happened is "pay back
time, Monty, for all that stuff you've said
about those you didn't like in Big Issue."
I couldn't have agreed more with him!
Yesterday, I also told John Duffy that if he
wants to write his own story I might well
be pleased to publish it on my little blog.
Yes, yes, yes, I know all about what is being
said against me, but that doesn't fazed me
one little bit. Few people I know don't have
some closet to hide no matter who they are.
All I ask is that you don't blame me for
whatever my identical twin brother or
some other relatives or good friends of
mine, may or may not have done ...
I don't have to justify a thing and I
most certainly will not to whoever may
suspect rightly or wrongly of me ...
Openly, UM. June 12th, 2010.
PS. My primary aim is to get back my
rightful Big Issue pitch come rain or
sunshine or come heaven or hell ...
Until then, I will NOT shut-up!
Letter From Adelaide's "Shambani"
To Uncle Monty.
Dear Monty, We got your e-mail about being shafted
by the bosses of “Big Issue”. But I could not access
the full story. Worse perhaps, we could not add our
protest about this blow to you and all who know you.
We had no e-mail address to contact the Bird boys.
I wrote an e-mail to you and sent it and had it sent
back – not enough information for it to go through....
So, we feel a little bit powerless. I hope that by the
time you have received this, all will be back to nor-
mal. You will no doubt have had more literate people
pushing for restitution. We are due to leave Adelaide
three weeks today and shall arrive in London on
Monday 21st June in the evening – if the Volcano
behaves itself. We shall, all being well, call in
to see you on the corner outside Caffe Nero ....
Monty – wouldn’t “Evening Standard” be in-
terested in your story? Cannot understand
why they did it. A golden man for the cause.
... I hope you are still fighting fire. I would love
to watch a confrontation between you and
the rich (sod) Mr. Bird. Give them hell. Hope
to see you soon . Best wishes Myrna & Carl.
{Letter posted by snail mail on May 30th, 2010.
Received by me in London, June 5th, 2010. The
Hancocks’ letter has been edited by me to exclude
other personal matters in the Aussie epistle ... }
I have a good friend named Lisa Blake who I've ...
I have a good friend named Lisa Blake who I've known
for many years. She was homeless, living in a bus, and
sold The Big Issue. Unfortunately she dropped out of
sight and contact several years ago despite many efforts
to find her. I have been trying again to look for her,
and a google search has brought up the same name
in your blog post under the 2007 list of the homeless
dead. I know it's a long shot but you don't happen to
know who I would contact to get more information
about the lady that passed to see if it is the same
friend I am looking for. Many thanks, LEX.
(Lex, please send your contact details in order perhaps
to help you further on this matter of your Lisa Blake.)
thebiggerissue@k.st. - Lex Scott has now provided
his personal e-mail for those to contact him, if they
should know anything about the situation of his old
friend Lisa Blake: Lex.Scott75@googlemail.com -
Hi Monty Glad to see you are still ...
Hi Monty Glad to see you are still around as I
was worried when you stopped appering outside
Caffe Nero. I haven't worked out why you were
"suspended" but I'm glad you are ok and hope to
see you back soon. (Anonymous)
Hi Monty. Please keep my surname and e-mail
address anonymous. It's ok to leave my first
name though. Missing you terribly. Wondered
what the latest is. I'm not very au fait with how
web pages work, so from what i have read it looks
like you have come to some sort of peace agree-
ment with the Bird's. I can't wait for you to re-
turn to your pitch, i do hope you have not com-
promised your beliefs and right to free speach.
What are they so worried about? Or that Bird
man so drunk on power? Happy to send an e-
mail of support to The Big Issue if you wish???
Look forward to seeing you, very soon i hope.
Warmest regards Gillian.
AJB: Boycott Him ...



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